Friday, March 31, 2006

happy birthday, ponyboy!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

I adore him because....

he'll cut a bitch if he has to.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

seeking dinner party advice

So the spring weather, Top Chef, and the support of all of you has inspired me to host a little dinner party on Saturday. I've invited six people and am thinking of doing chinese dishes for the main course. I'm planning on a mapo tofu, glazed eggplant, and sesame string beans. I need some help with the dessert. Chocolate mousse is my standard but I am in the mood to bake a cake. Layer cakes always appeal to me but I should branch out. Any suggestions for good chocolate desserts? I feel like trying a molten chocolate cake but I don't have the individual ramekins. I am also seeking suggestions about an easy appetizer/something to munch on before dinner.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

no words needed

okay. the photo is doing weird things. just click on this site for some eye candy.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Why I Don't Like Gin

Those of you who have had the sublime pleasure of taking an Advanced Placement history course in high school might remember the "Document-Based Question" (DBQ) portion of the exam. For some reason I remember this portion of the test quite fondly. And WTF?! because I usually HATE the essay questions. But I guess I liked it because they would give you some quotations from historical people (aka the "documents") and sometimes even pictures (yesssss! pictures!) you would have to argue something or other.

The first time I tasted gin, I was pretty grossed out. I mean, it was gross. Like, rilly rilly grosstastic. But I also had this weird history memory informing my senses -- I kept thinking gin was some kind of weird alcohol made from some factory by-product of the industrial revolution in that dirty dirty place known as 19th century London, and pimped out hard to the poor factory workers to make them forget they were disgruntled. And that made me a little mad at gin. Being the environmentally unfriendly intoxicant of the masses as it were. And this was based on what I remember from a practice DBQ question we were given in European History class.

So, being the somewhat obsessive and Google-addicted nutcase that I am, I looked up this mythical (to me, probably only mythical to me) DBQ. And lo and BEHOLD, my friends: the DBQ of 1988's European History exam.
You're probably thinking that I have too much time on my hands. And you're sadly right. But I just have to know where I get these crazy thoughts from. Anyway, so gin is not made from nasty industrial by-products, but for awhile it was made from cheap low-grade corn which the government (aka THA MAN) was looking to get rid of. And of course THA MAN encouraged gin production by everyone so gin was cheap and free-flowing. Right into the mouths of the poor working class. Thanks a lot, THA MAN. So gin pretty much gained the rep of being responsible for general degradation, broken capillaries, and, like, the freaking death rate. Which is probably why I still don't trust it, despite its subsequent rise to classiness (aka gintrification, hardy har har).

Nasty stuff. But see how cool the document-based questions are?

Travel here, travel there

I need some intercontinental travel advice from the seekers of frill. How does one go about planning a vacation abroad? I realize now that I have never really done this before as I usually stayed with friends or went someplace with the parents. I find the planning rather daunting.

Is it best to stay in a chain hotel or risk it with some quaint, potentially cheaper local place?

Any favorites travel websites?

Also, if anyone has any advice on where in Europe would be nice in August, that would be appreciated too.

Friday, March 24, 2006

my new reason for spending lots of money

uma :)

This is making me hungry....

What flavors of Kit Kat have you tried?

Any other unusual candies worth talking about. Mmmmm....

okay. grey's anatomy.


Monday, March 20, 2006

what's up with gina from antm?

why does the asian representation gotta be all self-hatin and weird?

i'm just sayin.

edited by zuppe because km and I was scurrrrrred of her. and that cleavage is such a lie.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Washington is not a frilly city

. . . but if there is one thing I appreciate more than frills, it is gravitas and our nation's capitol has that covered, especially in its architecture. I found myself strangely comforted by the behemoth marble and concrete buildings that seem to say "Despite the fact that it feels like this country is going to hell in a handbasket, there actually was some restraint and forethought in the way our government was set up".
In more frilly news, I ate at the (relatively new) Museum of the Native American upon Zuppe's recommendation and was impressed with the selection that included things like blackened salmon and spiced pumpkin seeds. I also saw this cool exhibit at the Hirshorn Museum. It was on the work of Hiroshi Sugimoto, a contemporary Japanese photographer who shoots in black and white and plays on ideas of making reproductions of reproductions. For example, he took photos of the dioramas at the Museum of Natural History and they look almost real, but then you realize that there is no way he could have been that close to the animals and that there is something off about the background.
My friend, I'll call her Mimi, and I got makeovers done at the MAC counter. I asked for wild-n-crazy eye makeup and the MAC artist said she was going to do an intense purple thing, but I was disappointed. Mimi said I looked like a glamorous Mom picking up her kids after school. I was drawn to the MAC counter because they seemed to take more risks with what they had on their faces, but I ended up looking middle aged. How do you all feel about the mall makeup counters?

Who can explain to me the meaning of "metatextual"?

Because I can never quite recall what it means exactly.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

A word of advice: call before you go....

...lest you discover the store you so desperately want to visit has moved completely. So I didn't get to buy the Ben Nye eyeshadows I enjoy so much, but I did run into TWO of my grad school classmates, just upon exiting the subway! and then I got to hang with a certain Brooklynite (Brooklynian? Brookie?) friend whom I still like to refer to as DJ Silky from our radio show days.

I wish I were more conscious of the fact that I have a freaking camera in my phone, and then I could have "moblog"-ed our travels around Union Square and Chelsea. Photos that should have been taken: the very busy farmer's market at Union with the wee gourmet potatoes and perfect-in-every-way croci plants, our overpriced brunch delicacies at Petite Abeille, the trying on of neon orange blush and iridescent fuchsia lipstick at Sephora, and our slightly snooty waitress at the Maritime Hotel.

But alas, all I can show you are these photos of the very cool Maritime (credit: which has really awesome windows and a fantastic huge outdoor patio (is that redundant?), and a really interesting history:

It was built for a sailors' union, then became a home for runaway teens, then housing for students from China, and now finally is a swanky hipster hotel (only a matter of time, eh?)

Friday, March 10, 2006

Thursday, March 09, 2006

A shipping container full of hammers... in, "dumb as a"

And thusly, I sum up my thoughts on "Cycle" 6 of America's Next Top Model.

So we have one Asian American sista taking us a step forward (big ups to Chloe Dao) ... and then we got some blithering idiot pulling us back a few: Gina. Oy gevalt. I just feel like smacking her. Repeatedly.

Why do the pretty Boho girls of NYC need to be so goddamn arrogant? First YaYa, now Jade. So incredibly gorgeous, yet so infuriatingly deluded. No one, NO ONE, who proclaims she is out there "to compete and not make friends" actually makes it to the end.

Thank the TV gods that Tyra didn't take on Dani AKA TexasRepublicanBigotCheerleader. Not only is she racist and homophobic, she is just plain ol' stupid. I mean, I can at least have a teensy bit of respect for intelligent racists. They're a challenge. But stupid ones? *Smack smack*

My favorites so far include: Nnenna (sob story of struggle from Nigeria); Wendy (sob story of struggle from New Orleans); Mollie Sue (redhead who is a little scary, already showing signs of being S3 Nicole-ish); Leslie (looks very much like Thandie Newton); and Joanie (looks a lot like Joely Richardson). I am also loving that some girls have the fabulous non-perky ethnic noses I embrace.

Next week, the makeover episode! If you don't watch the show regularly, this is the episode to watch. There will always be some "WTF?!" and of course, tears! Because my hair, my hair, don't cut my hair!


Brava, Chloe, Bra! Va!

Yeah, yeah, I know I said I'd be happy for anyone of the final three to win - and while that's true, I can't help but feel just a leeeeetle bit especially happy that Chloe Dao is the winner. I loved the little candy-colored evening-wear world she created for us. I imagined this swanky-but-girly-apartment with colorful furniture and vintage-y crystal chandeliers and quirky birthday cakes. A little bit high-end-Swell (Target line designed by Cynthia Rowley and some other woman), and a little bit Balenciaga/Lanvin/Rochas/other-luxe-but-not-flashy-Euro-design-houses. I mean, she used a lot of teal, so I mean, I have to love it!

one of my favorite looks from Chloe. You know I looove the hair:

I was sad for Daniel, but he has a great start to his career, I think, by just getting to show. And a job offer from Michael Kors? Kind of awesome.

Oh, Santino. Well, I sense both a fashion AND musical mastermind in the making. But Santino, the only boys I know who blow kisses are 2 years old. I might see them in the park or on the street, but only in a club that involves mouse-ears. Needless to say, I found his soundtrack so incredibly distracting. But the models did have a fierce walk to accompany it.
I just wish the judges had more to say to him than "Oh... such a quiet, mature look for you".

Honestly, I have to say that Jay McCarroll's show from last year is still tops for me. Sorry to Starbright Oogi who's had to hear my spiel too many times... but I loved Jay's collection viscerally, like, I would totally buy a keychain from his line if I could afford it. I hope his whole merchandise-licensing works out such that one day I may be able to do that.

Yaaaaaaaaaaay, Chloe! It is so RIGHTEOUS when talented, kind, funny, emotionally open, intelligent, professional people get some props in this world. *does a Chloe-style booty pop*

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Finale of the Final Three

Eeeeeeee! I am so nervous for our final three. Even Santino. He looked so dazed and confused at the end of the last ep. And the "preview clips" seemed like the judges were tearing all of them a new one.... My fingers, toes, and eyes are crossed... Best of luck to the Final Three as we enter T minus 8 hours....

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

birthday fireworks for starbright oogi

hope today is filled with all sorts of frills!

Monday, March 06, 2006

you know it's hard out heeeeere....

Can I just say how absolutely thrilled I am that Three 6 Mafia won an Oscar award? How awesome was that?! I loved Dolly Parton's song for Transamerica, and she is just so cute, but I mean... "It's Hard Out Here for A Pimp" winning? was a great moment.

So I've heard that Terrence Howard was "dissuaded" from performing the song himself at the awards show by Denzel Washington, Will Smith and Sydney Poitier. Eeeeenteresting. So it's not OK for Terrence to rap about being a pimp. And yet, as Miss Info of Hot97 pointed out, it's somehow OK for Taraji Henson to sing about being a ho?

In other Oscar news, was every woman wearing off-white yesterday? aging cowgirl it looks like Boring Beige Band-Aid colors are hot right now. But of course, Jennifer Lopez bucked the trend and wore the most amazing rich warm grass green color. I've been trying to find an eyeshadow that color for YEARS. She looked very overly made-up though, at least on stage, but I have yet to see a close-up photo.

In random findings news, I did not know Kal Penn is really Kalpen Modi of Montclair, NJ. I mean, I guess I should have known "Kal Penn" was not his given name.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

vox populi

I'd like to thank y'all for the positive feedback on the design decisions for frillseekers 1.0

I have an idea for a new background and stuff, but I would really like to get more ideas from you guys. And of course (so I don't come off as the autocratic design control freak that I fear I am) if you want to create your own background images and stuff, I would be glad to help.

So please post any requests for color combinations, shapes, themes, hotties, fonts, quotations, etc. here.

Also, I had the best dream about meeting Dominic West. He was so nice (and really tall and smiley -- it bordered on scary for a second) and knew that I liked to draw and stuff. And then I woke up. *sigh*

In case choo don' know, Dominic is one of my many teevee boyfriends.

Friday, March 03, 2006

can i just say...

i love you guys.

i love this blog.

we're sO genius.