To mark the 50th anniversary of the interstate highway system, I ask you: What is your favorite highway?
Friday, June 30, 2006
To Dwight D. Eisenhower: Hey, thanks!
To mark the 50th anniversary of the interstate highway system, I ask you: What is your favorite highway?
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Especially for KM
Richard Coyle with an intense and non-dorky look on his face!
And the preternaturally gorgeous Toby Stephens. Who, must admit, may not be aging well. He was so hot in the movie version of Twelfth Night.
BBC America is so good to me. Besides all this, they've provided a cheesy supernatural drama called Hex starring yet more British cuties. I like Troy. He sort of looks like the cowardly lion, but onscreen his cheekiness makes him adooorable.
Oh, and lookit (though this picture doesn't do it justice):
And matching eyeshadow. I got many props when I wore this necklace to a family party, just so you know :P
I'll have to post my customized bling from Aging Cowgirl's soiree soon too!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Dewy for Dewey

Maybe it's physical. Allergies. Or an imminent hormonal rush.
Or maybe it's just the combination of sad damaged books, goodwill, and seriously cute web design.
Whatever it is, I felt a little teary this morning whilst checking out this site. Perhaps, along with an upcoming DVD binge, I may find it in my cold, brittle wallet to buy some books for the kiddies.
*image, no infringement intended. promise.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Andy Samberg, I am yours.
You may have heard of NBC yanking a popular SNL clip off of -- or wait, sorry, rightfully requesting copyrighted material to be removed from youtube -- but have you seen the clip in question? Because it does kind of rule.
Click on "Chronicles of Narnia".
Then click on the Natalie Portman one, just for kicks.
And yes, I do operate at about eight months behind everyone else.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Poll: What contact lenses do you you use?
Anyway, so I have an eye doctor appt next week and am contemplating getting new contact lenses. I have been using the same brand of soft non-disposable ones for forever and wanted to see if anyone had suggestions for brands. Also, are disposable better than non-disposable?
Baby Soul Rock'n'Roll Oh Mah Word It's Out of Control
Rules for being interviewed on TV:
- Spit out that damn gum.
- Please make sure your hair is not chlorine-green.
- Opt for the waterproof, non-smudgy type of mascara. You're worth it, as they say.
- Sometimes it's nice to have concealer that approximates your skin color. But then, it might be tough to match if you've been daily irradiated by a tanning bed and don't remember what your skin color is.
- A nice pair of slacks never hurt anyone.
- Even when you are pregnant, 89% of your cleavage need not be on display.
Yes, I was pretty horrified and saddened at Britney's interview with Matt Lauer yesterday. Aging Cowgirl got the play-by-play. It was just so WTFwasshethinkingorwassheatall.
To some extent I think, yes, she brought it on herself with her career/life choices and utter lack of savvy.'re a mom now. No more "not a girl not yet a woman" crap. Get it together or get some help. You have the resources, and therefore I have very little sympathy for you.
The paparazzi should be ashamed of itself but, well, as if that would ever happen. Will they be moved by her tearful pleading for them to leave her alone? Doubt it. I will admit it was heartbreaking though.
So no matter what you think of Jennifer Lopez and her "singing" and her ostentatious consumption and her furs and her skeletal husband... you have to respect her gangster. She knows how to give good interview face. At least in public -- I've heard some rumors about her TMI backstage persona which give me pause.
Is it about age? Madonna, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Lopez (though no baby...yet) have all managed to keep some semblance of sanity. Granted, Madonna is on a slightly different scale than the rest of us. These women all came up from not-so-fancy roots themselves. But they were considerably older (right?) when achieving their fame, and it makes me think that matters a lot.
But in the end, the famehos will triumph....through branding. The title line refers to Brit's non-musical endeavors, including her upcoming line of *sigh*
better yet, found the transcript! but check out pinkisthenewblog - trent is awesome, as usual.
it's all about me, baby
okay. so this is a place i used to host and regularly perform at a couple a years ago. this was back when i was much more prolific in the writing. i've been talking about getting back into writing and performing and sure enough, a last minute cancellation allowed me a 10 minute slot for this upcoming tuesday nite's at the cafe in little tokyo of downtown los angeles.
(lilbunny, this is the venue where the houseband guitarist is married to our favorite gilmore girls asian. go here and scroll about halfway down the entire page and you'll see a picture of her! woohoo!)
ack! so please wish me "break a leg" as i will need to write something between now and then...something worthy of a casual performance!
Monday, June 12, 2006
teeny-bopper frills
.... so what's your guilty teeny-bopper pleasure of the moment?
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
28 is the new black
Good Sounds and Bad Sounds
The Good: So the new Christina Aguilera song rules. I like it more every time I hear it. No surprise, considering DJ Premier (half of one of my favorite hip-hop acts, Gangstarr, which sadly doesn't exist anymore but I guess they're each solo-ing for now) produced it. Apparently he was surprised Christina even knew who he was.
And then there's Gnarls Barkley, comprised of Cee-Lo and Dangermouse. They have a "myspace" account like every other musical act is, I don't know, forced to, but I cannot, in good conscience, link to one of those lousy pitiful excuses for a website. So here's their annoying actual site with all the stupid flash animation. But aside from all that, the music rocks. Listen to "Crazy".
And you know what is awesome? How much does this absolutely rule? Listen here.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
welcome to bauble tawk....
Last summer it was all about the huuuuge[ackman] gumball-sized-bead necklaces in all colors. This year, that style seems to be as popular, but now a lot of the beads are the crochet-covered kind. OK, not really sure where that started, but it can be sort of cute. I am loving this fabric covered bead necklace
which will probably be sold out. Speaking of, Target is lousy with fun jewelry this year.
This year seems to be all about links. My potentially fugably adorable accessory that I covet intensely right now is a long chain made of lucite or resin curb links and metal. It's a little 80s, almost a little nautical[punk?], but very fun. I don't really have the rest of the wardrobe to carry these off right now, but I don't really care:
one two three four five
I also really want something like this but I have issues with Urban Outfitters and its spawn, Anthropologie. I mean, I totally own stuff from them. But it makes me feel, how you say, a little filthy somehow. And again, the perennial problem of finding cool jewelry findings rears its hellishly DIYgauche head.
OK, that's all for bauble tawk right now. I wish I had a good tawk amongst yourselves topic, but I'm struggling here.