Monday, April 30, 2007


I am in Los Angeles. So far I have seen....

weird things....

pretty things....

and LOTS of yummy things.

more soon!
<3 zuppe

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Too Good to Pass Up

Remember when they made you climb rock walls in gym class and you had to wear a horrible harness you created yourself out of much-used-by-many-other-sweaty-teens nylon webbing (in horrific colors like pepto pink)? Yeah, this is how you looked.

So maybe it wasn't you who was subjected to that kind of public humiliation, but I know you can take pleasure in others subjecting themselves to it.

It's all kinds of awesome.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Spotted today....

lilbunny, I do believe I spied one of your henchmen on my property today!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Poll: favorite easter candy?

regardless of religious affiliation, easter is a time of candy extravaganza! i am curious as to what the frillseekers candy of choice is. also a very nice easter (and passover) to those who celebrate.

ps. check out the link for some fab peepage