Monday, May 01, 2006

"Others' misfortune tastes of honey"

If J is the resident quizmeister, I am the resident Wikipedia-promoter. I really enjoyed reading this entry about one of my favorite words.


starbright oogi said...

Here is an article that puts it in usage........;_ylt=AoCpg.wiEHAnipvEtyuV.1pX24cA;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--

jblogs said...

this word was actually quite prominently featured in a Boston Legal closing argument given by actor James Spader. it was used to explain why a celebrity dubbed the "black widow" (played by Heather Lockyear) was being persecuted for her misfortune in the media and that the circus around it was really just delighting in her misery. she was thusly found innocent of charges that she killed her rich husband. now THAT's a frill-seekers' comment gem if I've ever seen one.

why i know these details from the tv show? in my own defense, it was my little exbfriend's favorite.

zuppe said...

I am so grossed out by Opal Mehta and her creator and the circus surrounding the worthless lot of them.

km, I Google, therefore I am. Usually the Wikipedia links turn up on the first page. I rarely go to the Wikipedia site directly. Once I am there though, the hypertext joy abounds and I click, click, click my way to the sublime of pop culture minutiae (and magnutiae, Wikipedia is helpful for breaking stuff down like that).

J, schadenfreude as defensive argument? I will have to remember that one if I ever end up a black widow myself.

zuppe said...

Sorry for re-commenting again. I am COMPLETELY TOTALLY relishing the schadenfreude surrounding that idiot and her book. TOTALLY. I feel a little ashamed of it, but mostly UNADULTERATED GLEEEEEEE. Bleeethering eeeeediot.

starbright oogi said...

did y'all hear she maybe plagiarized off of sophie kinsella too. wth? i am sort of fascinated by the whole thing.