Monday, September 11, 2006


Yes, I saw "Crank". And I didn't expect it to be "good". But I didn't expect it to be embarrassing.
There was much "good", in that Jason Statham gets to do stunts, get to be half-naked, and gets to do stunts while being half-naked. I mean, he even wore Pumas, had sex... and had sex while wearing Pumas.

You'd think it would be my recipe for awesome.

Except he kept saying "baby". Blech, it makes me a little nauseous to write that. British guys should not be calling their girls "baby". It just doesn't sound right.

Seriously? it would have been better as a silent film. Without Amy Smart trying to do her best blow-up doll impersonation. Statham's expressions are priceless, when he doesn't have stupid dialogue to deal with. E.g. he does really well with the lines in Snatch. Or when, like in The Italian Job, Seth Green does his dialogue for him.

The movie began like it could have been comparable to Guy Ritchie's films, or Go, or Run Lola Run, or Kill Bill or Sin City .... but it just ended up as the worst copy of a copy of those. Sad. But I should have known.

* * *

And for those who didn't hear my ginormous yelps of glee, the fourth season of The Wire started yesterday. I think it'll be an amazing season (this year, the show takes on the theme of "education", and fittingly, takes us to the Baltimore public schools).... but with far less screen time for my favorite characters, played by Dominic West, Wendell Pierce, and Michael K. Williams, sadly. All good things do come to an end, but at least this great thing gets to go on for a little longer (if HBO is nice to us).
I recommend this show to pretty much everyone I end up talking TV with (OK, everyone I talk with!), so if I haven't already said it to you .... SEE IT!!!

* * *
So I make lists of DVDs all the time, but it might be time to actually buy some, considering that the new stuff isn't exactly all that satisfying ;)

Also? Shut up, PR3 Jeffrey. Just shut up.

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