Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Death is Not an Option.

You must choose.

Top Chef's "finest". Later I might add a selection of Top Chef's "passive-aggressivest" for your choosing pleasure.

I finally saw part of S1's Episode 1. There's just something about those Irish men. I know he kind of sucked, but I could listen to him yell about nothing for hours....:

OK, maybe just one hour.

Spread out over small increments.

I vote for Team Season 1 for tonight's showdown!

...So it was as predicted -- Season 1 totally destroyed Season 2. I can't believe how much affection I had for Stephen after the gritty kale that was Season 2. My newest life motto:

"I've been executing this sort of excellence for years now."

Oh Stephen, you slay me with your effortless brilliance.

1 comment:

starbright oogi said...

i really prefer season 1. marcel's saffron foam was pretty hilarious though.