Sunday, September 09, 2007

Top Chef sightings

Went to the Mushroom Festival at Kennett, PA, today.

I feel like I had heard about this festival when I was at Swarthmore, but when I mentioned to a few Philly people about it, they'd never heard about it! Sadly, the festival felt more like any other street festival (with some of the fried food being made out of mushroom rather than something else) than something that really featured mushrooms.

It did have really good ice cream by a local place--Woodside Farm Creamery.

I also got to see part of a cooking demo by Ilan Hall and Miguel Morales---of course, I was one of like four people who raised their hands in the filled tent when Miguel asked who in the room had never watched Top Chef. They were both trying very hard to be funny and charming--and sometimes they succeeded. I had to leave to return to Philly before they actually made anything, but Miguel did discuss how to make the dish he was preparing (Monte Cristo sandwich with portabello mushroom caps as bread) vegan, so he got big points for that.

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