Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Vartan is Back

Welcome back to network television (of the non-reality-tv-kind)). I spent WAY too much time in front of the TV last week. IMHO: Some big "mehs" included: "K-ville", "Dirty Sexy Money" and "Big Shots" (more below). A major disappointment included: "The Bionic Woman". Some fun times were spent with: "Chuck" (Adam Baldwin as a "Best Buy" saleperson!), "Gossip Girl", "Bones", "Smallville" and "How I Met Your Mother" (which introduced me to the term "tramp stamp"). And damn you "Brothers and Sisters" for making me cry. Again.

So I won't be watching "Big Shots" again, if I can help it. But it appears that Couch Baron on TWOP and I are in agreement that if we were to watch it again (unfortunately for CB, it seems like it's his job to watch it), we would only be watching if for the Vartan. (Check out the funny page 3 of the Big Shots recap -- that's what the link is to!) Even on a show where I guess he's supposed to be alpha-male like, he comes off as so cuddly :).

I missed most of "Chuck" this week due to the NL Wild Card playoff game. I *really* don't want to talk about that. It's 4.5 hours of my life I will never get back. And I think I was actually grieving yesterday. For reals. But like I said, I don't want to talk about it. Back to "Chuck": the Sci-Fi channel reruns the "Chuck" eps over the weekend, I think, so I might still catch it. "Bones" last night was fun, with the Boreanaz acting particularly goofy at the end, which is always a good time. Tonight is definitely Gossip Girl.

And just when I thought I'd given up on network tv...


zuppe said...

lilbunny, I think we should maybe do some tv reviews together, for reals. As per usual, I heartily agree with this post (on those shows I've watched so far): K-Ville, Bionic Woman (mainly "meh", and not even really enough pretty people or clothes to keep my shallow side entertained); and Gossip Girl and Bones (truly delightful and Bones has a longer running mystery this season that will be intriguing for those who enjoy the conspiracy angle).

I will make a note to check out Chuck. I caught a glance at the gym and saw Adam Baldwin in it, and since Firefly (a show that lilbunny turned me onto, that I'm sure a lot of you would enjoy. it's in DVD afterlife now), I LOVE him. He's very fun... and yes, pretty.

lilbunny and km, you've also convinced me to check out Dirty Sexy Money (even though just thinking the title makes me uncomfortable) and How I Met Your Mother.

I have yet to post my TV spreadsheet that I've been threatening, but I'm working on it!

ponyboy said...

lilbunny--glad to hear somebody mentioning brothers & sisters in a positive way. it's sort of been my guilty pleasure for the past year. not sure what about it i find particuarly intriguing--perhaps the variety of characters, rob lowe, and the potential long-term relationship between Kevin and his cute boyfriend.

as usual, i'm way behind in my intake of popular cuture but i just started watching "Six Feet Under" on DVD (thanks to zuppe, i now have a netflix account!) and I LOVE it!

has anyone checked out the sitcom about the pakistani exchange student? apparently it's gotten good reviews and is available to view stay tuned for a review.

lilbunny and espressoboy said...

zuppe: Adam Baldwin made me crack up -- one of those loud, can't-keep-it-in, kind of laughs, not once, but twice last night! I'm loving "Chuck"! (But I'm not planning on watching more of Dirty Sexy Money, just FYI).

ponyboy: I don't know what it is about "Brothers and Sisters" either... For me, it's probably mostly Rob Lowe... And maybe 'cause they can make any family seem downright sane and boring. I think one of my fave eps ever, though, was the "Game night" one from last season. It was *so* insane!