Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Wardrobe Essentials? A poll in honor of the Tim Gunn and the PR finale....

Tim Gunn suggests:
10 Essential Items Every Woman Needs
• Basic black dress
• Trench coat
• Classic dress pants
• Classic white shirt
• Skirt
• Blazer
• Day dress
• Cashmere sweater
• Jeans
• A comfortable alternative to a sweatsuit

What do you think are wardrobe essentials (particularly as the sun sets on the 20s for many of us)?


aging cowgirl said...

I've been thinking about this, but can't seem to come up with anything. Maybe this really is the basic list of essentials and everything else is much more a matter of personal style? Maybe another way to think about this question is: What are you wearing all the time right now?

ponyboy said...

I think the only thing I have on that list are jeans! And what exactly is " comfortable alternative to a sweatsuit"? Not that I have a sweatsuit either...

jblogs said...

i really love tim gunn's list and have fulfilled his call for basic wardrobe essentials. it really does help with creating a versatile wardrobe i think! i feel i've been more creative with putting outfits together...

zuppe said...

I think this list is OK if you need a list. I own two things on it, and I only own the dress pants because I have to.

My "social" situations call for clothes that either of the "ethnic" variety (whole hog, none of that "touch" that Lucky vomits about), or things that are not schlumpy but yet are comfortable enough for hanging out with toddlers... but mainly I focus on disappointing my family greatly with my "fashion" choices.

I need better clothes but I don't know if I like this list. Since I have no list of my own, I'll just de-bunk this one.

Blazers are horrific on me. No wonder the thought of a job interview gives me severe palpitations. I'm not joking.

Trench coats are double breasted and belted - double strike. I can deal with the trench coat, but there are other flattering shapes out there too.

Some people just don't like dresses or skirts. It is not sad - it is just preference, workstyle or lifestyle. It's something I still take issue with when it comes to these makeover shows.

I don't wear sweatsuits, though I think most of my wardrobe would be considered an unflatteringly cut yet comfortable sweatsuit alternative.

Still waiting on a flattering button down shirt for girls with a chest but no waist. I'm not holding my breath. Also, white shirts make me look like a dental hygienist.