Project Runway is dead to me.
As I watched the last few minutes, I kept saying in my head "I will not watch this show anymore if they elminate Allison." Needless to say, it was an ultimatum I felt OK with because I still had some shred of trust in the show.
Well that's gone. And I don't think I can watch this show anymore. And that makes me incredibly sad.
I had to call Aging Cowgirl for some post-show therapy last night. And then I had to take a Benadryl to get to sleep. I mean, yesterday the whole day was weird for me, but PR just kind of clinched it, and I was very keyed up the entire evening.
Last night's show demonstrated the worst apsects of the season. In addition to the judges' crack-addled decisions, the editors/writers chose to focus on stupid f'ing drama again and to indicate the final runway participants by blatantly giving them more interview time during the show. They have made it so obvious for most of the season, which really takes away from the fun of the show - both because there's no real surprise and because we don't really get to see everyone's work. Also, while this challenge was a fun idea, didn't they "do" innovation already? The first week? I guess PR2 had two of these challenges also, where the designers had the first challenge to innovate with fabric and the second to innovate with non-fabric crap.
So Vincent is still in the running and that was the initial, most searing point of contention for me. The model couldn't walk. The designer is incapable of putting together an intelligent explanation of his work. "I love it. I think it's art" just does not cut it. Oh god, I wish someone would cut him, literally. I think the judges and Bravo are scared to "auf" him. They're afraid of him "auf"ing himself or someone else in a fit of "art".
And then I was f-f-f-f-f-f-furious about Allison's elimination. You're going to tell me you kept Angela's silver mishmash robot dress which bore an overwhelming resemblance to PR1 Starr's gift-wrap extravaganza of puff? You didn't even call that shit on the runway? You kept Kayne's pre-school interpretation of Van Gogh's Irises + tin foil and didn't even make him sweat for it?
And then, fucking Michael Kors and fucking Heidi, you have the gall to point out that as a female she especially should know how to flatter the female form? And what, the men just have a chromosomal excuse to mess that up from time to time? Even when they've got 25 years more experience and have had a collection at Saks? VINCENT'S MODEL COULDN'T FUCKING WALK. Why are the women held to a higher standard here? I'd like to think a female designer understood something more, but that is an expectation that should not be part of a design competition! Call me a feminazi but that is some foul-ass shit.
And Tim, if you're going to call a model with an undefined waist "zaftig", you could at least call out Kayne's model for having a concave butt that hangs off her grossly prominent hipbones. Give me "zaftig" anyday over that mess.
On top of this, I don't get why Michael won. I love the dude, but *yawn*. Rachel Zoe, "stylist" to the stars, I blame you. You are heinous. I seriously thought Jeffrey could (and should) have won this one. And I don't like Jeffrey, so that's saying something.
His dress was so cute and witty. It reminded me of the episode of the Cosby Show where Rudy dreams her fairy tale to life and all the cast wears these poster-paint-on-white trompe l'oeil outfits. It was an awesome dress. It was like when PR2 Daniel V. won for that orchid dress thing instead of Andrae for his gorgeous glittery gutter-water dress. We get it, Michael is awesome, but he doesn't need to win every week. Overexposure kills, y'all.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. That's all I gotta say.
I may need a rousing rendition of "Lighten Up, It's Just Fashion" today. Andrae, I miss you dearly.
espressoboy convinced me (although it didn't take too much twisting of the arm) to check out Tim's Take and find out the juicy details instead of waiting around for the re-run of Wed night's episode (which we missed). We read Tim's Take and I was saddened to see that Alison was out. Based on my "Which PR3 designer are you" test, I am a Alison. So, in a way, I was saddened that I was auf'd. Particularly when I saw Vincent's and Angela's outfits. Yikes. And because I didn't actually see the show, I didn't get to see how Vincent's model couldn't walk. But I could imagine. Or I could, if I wanted to. But I don't really want to, because the whole thing is so upsetting. Perhaps underlining the preposterous turn the show has taken is that Tim Gunn seems close to rebelling - perhaps staging a coup d'etat (if only!) - and writing in his blog: WHY?, in response to Vincent's remaining presence on the show.
espressoboy and I discussed at length, afterwards, why the show felt the need to "add drama" to the show. Why couldn't they just show the designers, you know, designing? Would that really be "boring?" Who is the audience of PR? Who are they trying to entertain?
What if the ratings for the show just fell through the floor -- because zuppe might not be the only one not watching anymore. After this, how can we really take the show seriously? And if we can't take it seriously, should we really keep watching? Not when there are alternatives -- especially in this day and age of DVDs, On Demand, and Netflix. So if the ratings did fall, would the producers get the hint? Would they own up to the err of their ways? Is there a way to fix this? Can they call a "do-over?"
zuppe, perhaps there is some truth in the line, "all good things must come to an end," however sad that might be. It is a sad sad day. Well... fall tv is right around the corner. Seems like there are quite a few cops-style dramas, with hostages and stuff. Could be good. Maybe. But at least there won't be Vincent.
You know what I really want for PR-- a Halloween challenge! The judges keep saying that bad dresses look like Halloween costumes so let's do it. Let's see who can make the best costume that speaks to high-fashion. In that same vein, an updated look for a flight attendant might also make for a good challenge.
lilbunny As "they" say, all shows eventually jump the shark...perhaps this is PR's time. I was talking with km about reality show writers and how I wondered what writers did for reality tv, and that I learned recently they craft the storyline for each episode based on the material they have.... and so I've decided somewhere along the line the PR writers drank down a huge vat of suckiness. Because that is all they seem to be spewing. But then, I guess the designers and judges are guzzling the suckiness too.
aging cowgirl, have you seen Britney's video for 'Toxic'? I don't know if there can be a better re-envisioning of the flight attendant uniform than that.
For everyone, later on in the day after this post, it became obvious to me that the hormonal rollercoaster played a large part in my response to the show. I mean, Heidi and her outfits still suck, but I'm a little less fuming now. For now. I may even watch the rest of the season. Maybe.
okay okay. project runway is not necessarily DEAD to me but i have been less than motivated to make sure i catch it every wednesday night. i agree with all of the above...not enough design, too much drama.
i have a date with a girlfriend for dinner and a viewing. we'll see how i feel after that.
my. reality tv viewing has become so emotional for all of us. i feel like we need to "check-in" and debrief just to keep up.
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