As a relative newcomer to the world of America's Next Top Model I am still trying to figure out how I feel about Tyra. I am fascinated by the way she is able to move from goofy to serious, albeit with some awkward phrasing --- "So the next name I am going to call". She must be a master of manipulating her onscreen persona because she makes me think that she is just like me---vulnerable (when she says I cried yesterday, I believe her) and aware of her limitations (we all know she isn't the smartest or most beautiful model, whatever that means, out there but she is ambitious anyway). The only time it feels too canned is when she talks about fears and insecurities in the abstract, but still, maybe without this foray into cheesiness we couldn't see the vulnerability.
How do you feel about tyra "the fivehead" banks?
Tyra occupies my mind a little too much. I think she is both brilliant and completely, unbearably, self-centered and fake. To some extent, she has a right to display her awesomeness because I think she really is (was?) a great model. But now it is just overkill - her face on every surface of the "Top Model" house, the tie-ins with her talk show, all the anecdotes and needless references to herself when talking to the contestants (including numerous references to Naomi Campbell who supposedly tortured her or something). The fact that she purports to "discover" a model who can do high-fashion and commercial work, while the show clearly seeks to discover something else completely just says it all to me, though it's become part of the enjoyment of watching the show.
I think, AC, you are responding to the Oprah-fied Tyra who is a mix of vulnerability and preachiness. She is brilliant in that she can make you feel that she is "one of the people" (soft voice) and yet she will have you know that is she is really, really better than you (stern look of subtle disapproval). Or anyone.
Thanks Zuppe, I knew that your Doctorate in ANTM studies would be useful for this discussion.
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Do you know the precise meaning of "money shot"? (no googling allowed)
I used it in an email today and then decided to check on the meaning and was embarrassed that I had referenced it.
my understanding of a money shot is its close association with the porn industry. the lingo is often used to describe the final climactic moments of a filmed sexual session whereby the "payoff" so to speak, or the "money shot," at the end is often the image of the man ejaculating on the woman's face other key part of the body.
in general, however, "the money shot" can be used to describe the part of any visual medium (often video, movie, commercials, or television) that provides the ultimate sense of purpose or satisfaction for th entire bit/performance.
but i would refrain from using "money shot" in settings where porn or sexual connotations are to be avoided. ;-)
meh tyra. she is fast going the way of janice dickinson without the sense of humor. she's kind of crazy. i thought she was sort of sympathetic in the beginning, but now i think she taps on people's fears and insecurities to use it against them later. not a big fan.
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