These look like nice enough guys, right? Wrong. They are Cliff and Ilan from Top Chef S2 and although they had potential to be favorites they have proved themselves to be immature asses. I know this is strong language but something about the way the male contestants have been so thoroughly disappointing makes me feel bad about the entire male species. This feeling is also due to watching "North Country" last night-- I'm not sure why I watched, every seen was predictable, but I still cried at the end when Charlize Theron inspired other women in the mine to testify about their experiences of sexual harassment. I think the movie would have done better if it were called "Flashdance: The Untold Story".
Back to Top Chef, J and I were just chatting about it and talked about posting. But we realized that there wasn't much to say. All the contestants are jerks, except Elia, who may be a little irritating but has maintained her integrity. Sam, the hunk, also had potential to be as likable as the charming doormat, Harold, from S1 but with a ponytail and hipper t-shirts. But he has also tanked in the interpersonal relationships department. Still, I think he is the most likely to take home the title.
So I suppose J. and I will root for Elia, I know Zuppe has long been a fan, but I think what will really keep me watching is the consistent inappropriateness of Padhma's wardrobe.
last night was nuts. i am glad they sent home cliff. i'm pulling for marcel now. he is annoying, but was really classy in the way he handled the bullying last night.
You know my absolute favorite has turned out to be Michael Midgely. Damn, "some pig" indeed. I would have loved to see him and Elia in the final two, just for entertainment value...because that's what the point of this season is - "entertainment", or what passes for it.
The past two-three episodes have been pretty uncomfortable to watch -- mainly because of Cliff, Ilan and Sam's behavior toward Marcel, and -- to a lesser but still notable extent -- Cliff's behavior toward Mia and Elia. I am glad that Cliff was asked to leave, but embarrassed for Bravo and Coldickio and Padma because isn't this show supposed to be about the food? For the love of truffles, won't ya just think about the FOOOOOOOD?
i like mike best too. i thought elia and ilan and sam all really sucked in the last episode as well.
ack! what WAS the deal with Padhma's clothes? i mean...i understand keeping up the sex appeal for ratings but much of her long torso do i REALLY need to see.
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