Wednesday, January 23, 2008

bbc america-ed

am i turning into madonna? a total brit-phile who can't bear to consume television that doesn't have a posh accent?

gobsmacked. bloody.

that's brilliant...lovely...

i've recently uk-ified my dvr settings and have been consuming bbc america tv shows like they're going out of stye.

some of my favs include gordon ramsay's (pictured here) "kitchen nightmares" a look into the most disfunctional family businesses that often serve as large-scale incubators of e. coli and other forms of unsavory bacterias, "you are what you eat" a crazy nutritionists vehicle for banishing rotten poo and refined sugars, and "how clean is your house" a voyeuristic view into the most slobbish packrats of britain that often require serious psychological intervention.

what has gotten into me?

1 comment:

zuppe said...

Welcome to the Brit-phile club! I love Gordon Ramsay though I can't say I have watched a whole show of his, though. I guess anyone with a foul mouth just wins me over!
I think Kitchen Nightmares scares me too much. I think You are What You Eat would scare me too. I should probably be on the cleaning show :O