Sunday, March 09, 2008

Of pies and cakes

There was a discussion yesterday about the nature of Boston Cream Pie. Is it a pie or a cake?

Wikipedia tells us:
The Boston cream pie is a cake contrary to its name. The idea of it being a pie most likely stems from the easier availability of pie tins over cake pans during the time the dish originated. (It might also originate from the use of the custard cream filling which is usually associated with pies rather than cakes.)

The most important thing, really, is the Dunkin Donuts version, don't you think?


ponyboy said...

Yum. I haven't had a DD donut in quite a while!

starbright oogi said...

Have you ever made a Boston Cream Pie? It looks tasty, although as a "pie" would be quite disappointing.

zuppe said...

But guys... this is the only type of pie I really like! (Except for Mississippi Mud Pie or Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Pie) It has to be a pie.

The Dunkin' Donuts gave me two extra Boston Cream Pie donuts the other day. I can't decide if they love me or hate me.