Monday, May 15, 2006

and the award for cheesiest sex scene

goes to Meredith and McDreamy on Grey's Anatomy. I felt like squirming--- as if I were 12 years old and my parents were in the room watching it with me. Why did it feel so cheesy? I suppose it was the climax, if you will, of the show, but come on . . . chris o'donnell's character is an animal healer and that has to count for something.


jblogs said...

ohmigosh. i totally forgot about the show last night! meredith did it with who? THE mcDREAMY?! (as in the guy she was in love with who is now with the redhead?!) Chris O'Donnell's character isn't mcDreamy, right?

i need details people!

lilbunny and espressoboy said...

I watched that scene with my man, who really couldn't give a fig about either character (he appreciates other characters in the show, but just doesn't care for Mer and Der). So for him (and thus I, who felt a little guilty about making him watch with me) the entire scene was not hot, not sexy, but a waste of our time. I'm also thinking that those examination chairs? Not the most comfy in the world... Just saying.

And J: Chris O'Donnell plays the Vet who takes care of Mer and Der's dog, who got very sick. I don't know if you want to know the outcome of that subplot... Chris has chosen a "rugged" look with facial hair and all. According to my partner in crime, Chris O'Donnell can't pull off the rugged look. Eh -- he's still pretty to look at, but yeah, wanted to shave him the whole time.

Oh and yeah - Mer and Der did the deed (on a forementioned uncomfy exam chair). It was one of those "I'm angry at the world 'cause I can't get over you... I guess we should have sex" things. Which generally doesn't bode well for the relationship, long-term I mean.

aging cowgirl I don't know why it was so cheesy, but the entire ep (and the two leading up to it) were pure melodrama with a capital M and a capital D. The kind that would make for incredible fodder for a Patti White course. So in that sense, I thought it kinda fit in -- just like when Izzy wigged out on Sunday night. That made me uncomfortable too actually, just how crazy upset she was. Capital M and capital D. That's all I'm saying.

starbright oogi said...

it was quite sordid and tawdry wasn't it? and the exam chair was very gyno exam-ish... not sexy.

i liked the alex/izzy moment. GA is a total soap opera... which is why it is kinda addictive :)

i hope katherine heigl is around next season although her character is a bit nuts.

zuppe said...

Count me in as proclaiming that an absolute waste of tv sex. So not hot at all. You know what was hot, and gave me hope for this show and for Mer stopping all her McBealishness? Her total "I'm so gonna do you and do you right" smile to Finn (Chris O'Donnell vet character) right before (fucking idiotic craptastic) Shepard gives her the look. I don't like either of them, but I'm blaming him because I'm still not over him calling Mer a whore....

... and then for asking her "So what does this mean?" after they finished the most useless squirm-inducing-but-not-in-good-way sex scene. The whole thing made me nauseous. And then what a lame ass cliffhanger. As if I really care who Mer is going to choose at this point.

What would have been hot is Addison and Alex together. Join my campaign for Addisex in Fall '06!