Monday, May 08, 2006

hello my name is LEAVE ME THE F ALONE

(apologies to km and lilbunny who have heard this all before)

Lunch with Co-Workers, Volume I
Invariably, among a group of five women connected only by extremely boring and repetitive work, the conversation turns to eating, diets, pregnancy and its havoc on the body, and raising difficult children. Pretty much fine and good, I suppose. At least it was a really nice day to be outside.

Lunch with Co-Workers, Volume II
Railroaded once again, with nary even an e-mail to warn me, an overcast chilly day outside so we were inside, and not even any good cafeteria options to brighten the dismal hour, this time it was me and four guys. Invariably, among a group of four men connected only by extremely boring and repetitive work, the conversation turns to drinking, drinking during work, getting drunk at office parties, and the dreaded Red Sox and Yankees. I feel pretty bad for the guy who invited me; he was only trying to be nice. I blame the sucky friends, but then, maybe despite my efforts not to, my eyes may have rolled repeatedly of their own volition. Sort of like when you can't help gagging at a bad smell or the sight of Mischa Barton's horrible hair extensions.

There is a reason why I eat lunch by myself at my desk.


jblogs said...

hahah. where are you working now?!

i totally understand the whole tenuous social connection thing.

i say next time you get dumba*s guys talking about dumba*s interject and regulate their dumba*ses.

like at a retreat we had for work a few months back: this one guy (tall asiaphile looking white guy) sat down next to me at the round lunch table. he was buddies with everyone else but i had barely spoken to him. he starts introducting himself and once he gets the name of my coworker across the table...he asks what she was...persian...iranian...whatever. upon hearing that, this unnamed man let his gaze linger on the face of this persian woman and said, "i dated a persian woman once. she was beautiful. she insisted that i call her my 'persian excursion.'"

okay. my mouth DROPPED. everyone was chuckling...either sincerely or uncomfortably...likely they were used to the guy and had a certain amount of trust. but i was thinking to myself "I barely know you! How can you pull out such an offensive little statement?"

So I laughed and then said, "oh. my. gosh. did you really just say that?" with a I was adding to the yucks. still smiling he's like..."yes. that's what she insisted i call her!" so i had to throw it out there...with eyes wide open in slight disbelief, nodding my head at every word for measured emphasis, slightly cocked to the side.."wow. it's funny but i must say...i am thoroughly offended by that. Just for the record." He couldn't understand why. So i simply stated,"Look, you seem nice and all and quite friendly and close with the others but I barely know you so that's a little personal and a little offensive given that you don't know how I feel about these things. It's like dating a Chinese girl and saying, 'yeah I used to call her my oriental express'"

That got the table ROLLING. a good comeback i must say. i felt better. no beef between us but i had gotten what i needed to say placed on the table. i continued in the most gracious and friendly manner with him...not making a big deal about it. but i must admit, his flame was burning just a little less brightly after that. curiously enough, he did not come around to our little social group for the rest of the weekend retreat.

awww. should i feel bad?

aging cowgirl said...


zuppe said...


jblogs said...

*bow* *bow*

thank you. thank you. *blush*

i should ask new guys i meet if they would call me the orient express....sort of like a litmus test...whaddya think? heheh

starbright oogi said...

that's hilarious!

awkward lunch convos utterly suck. i'm all about munching and reading frillseekers alone on the lunch hour.