Thursday, May 25, 2006

More shoe-obsessed musings

So clearly I have this metallic leather theme going, right? Here are two other styles I teetered around in at DSW, just for fun:

This first pair was not uncomfortable...until I tried to walk. The cushioning, platform and thickish heel make them not totally unbearable:

But then after weepily parting with those, I tried something like these on and remembered that high heels are soooo very impractical:

Um. Imagine propping up 250lbs. worth of something with two pencils. Slightly chubbier-than-#2 artsy pencils, but still. It blows my mind, man.

In more comfortable shoe/show news, yay for Harold who is Bravo's first Top Chef! -- I mean, Top COOK! And guess what shoes he was pulling on before leaving for the last challenge? None other than my favorite sneakers ever -- Puma Californias (in white with navy stripe to be specific).

And can you believe none of the four eliminated contestants thought Tiffani should win? I can. Dang. Did you see how she tried to claim Dave's dessert as her own? WHAT?! I stopped feeling sorry for her right then. And now Bravo can follow Harold around as he tries to start his own restaurant! You know that's on the schedule for this fall.

And people, did you that the new season of Project Runway is starting this SUMMER?!

hot hot hot.

And I got some props today on my own Pumas from some guys here at work, thankyouverymuch. Of course, even that had to come with a side of awkward, right? Apparently this guy tried to tell me this a couple days ago and I was totally oblivious and had no idea anyone was talking to me. So see, even amongst the penny loafers and Manolos, some people still recognize.

OK, I'll shut up about shoes now!


jblogs said...

ohmigawd! harold SOOO deserved it. redhead was such as beeyatch! i'll try to catch the finale reruns. :( I'm in chicago right now! WOOHOO! I'll post something soon....let's just say i've been eating at the best restaurants in chicago w/ the bosswoman this week.

business trips. executive expense accounts. mmmm.

zuppe said...

sorry I spoiled it for you, J! but I'm envious of your culinary tour of chicago! I guess it would be weird to photograph your food on a business trip, but maybe you can recreate them in Paint for us :P

*stomach grumbles*

jblogs said...

oh man. i got back yesterday and i ate soo much. after i clean up my luggage and bedroom...i will upload pics of the grub later this week...perhaps it will be linked from my OTHER blog about food (