Friday, August 11, 2006

Call me Captain Save-a-Ho...

Whoo-hoo nice-guy-skilled-designer Michael finally wins a challenge! And even does a little runway dance of triumph which elicited a girlish giggle from Garcia! The guy even sold me on hot pants. I'm crossing my fingers that the good streak keeps going.

I took this "Which Project Runway 3 Designer are you?" quiz, and here are my results!

#1 Michael Knight

#2 Uli Hertzner

Funny, I think the first time I took it, my #1 was Uli and #2 was Michael. What has changed? I have no idea.

#3 Bradley Baumkirschner

#4 Kayne Gillaspie

#5 Vincent Libretti

#6 Robert Best

#7 Jeffrey Sebelia

#8 Katherine Gerdes

#9 Malan Breton

#10 Stacey Estrella

#11 Alison Kelly

#12 Bonnie Dominguez

#13 Laura Bennett

#14 Keith Michael

#15 Angela Keslar

Um. I was at first thrilled to see Keith and Angela at the bottom of my list, but on second thought I may rather be more Angela-ish than Vincent or Jeffrey, who've become heinous, kind of.


jblogs said...

#1 Uli Hertzner
#2 Kayne Gillaspie
#3 Michael Knight
#4 Robert Best
#5 Vincent Libretti
#6 Bonnie Dominguez
#7 Katherine Gerdes
#8 Laura Bennett
#9 Alison Kelly
#10 Stacey Estrella
#11 Bradley Baumkirchner
#12 Malan Breton
#13 Angela Keslar
#14 Jeffrey Sebelia
#15 Keith Michael

this test is genius.

aging cowgirl said...

michael knight is my #1 but I was a bit disturbed to see the rest of my top 4:
2. Vincent
3. Jeffrey
4. Laura
These are not my favorites.
I think the fact that I may have (mistakenly?) answered "I like to shock people" with "yes" threw things off.

zuppe said...

Aging Cowgirl, it sounds like a bunch of us have something in common with Vincent. It scares me, but at least he's not slimy like Keith.

Laura calls people out. I respect that.

I think a couple of things that determined my results were: I like glamour but don't like to dress up, and I don't like sports. Hence, Bonnie and Katie were pretty far down for me. And of course, laid back plus funky = Uli, Michael, Bradley.

I miss Bradley already.

Damnit, Vincent! God I wish one of his stupid pockets fell off on the runway.