Tuesday, August 22, 2006


aging cowgirl said...

she's just the cutest! In the first picture she looks much older than her two/three months, don't you think?
oooh, I want to make cooing noises here in the law library . . .

ponyboy said...

how old is she? she is very cute! definitely cooing-in-the-law-library cute :) she has a lot of hair. my nephew didn't have too much hair till he was 6 months or so.

zuppe said...

She's a little over five months old (already! wow!)

In the newborn pic, she was just 3 days old! I think it's the Mona Lisa-like expression that makes her look wiser ;)

my brother and I had hair like that when were born. I remember combing his hair in the hospital. some of my other cousins' babies - not so much, but then it grew in a few months later too.

jblogs said...

who is she?! she is absolutely like a doll!? is she real? those cheeks are quite stunning.

zuppe said...

hee! yes she is real, hard to believe, no? she's the firstborn of one of my cousins. she has that natural glowiness around her eyes which is just amazing! she is a really friendly baby too, she hardly cried when I visited!