Wednesday, September 13, 2006

frilly farewells

So, I was watching some GG last night, 'cause I am hooked, even though the characters, the story, the everything became oh so blah-un-believable last season... and then this commercial came on... Why were they showing Sarah Michelle Geller, aka Buffy? And Dawson? And Felicity? AND Angel? Well, it appears the very tv shows that helped to define my college years (and some time afterwards) are being resurrected as part of the WB's grand farewell this Sunday night. I have to admit, fellow frill-seekers, that the images brought tears to my eyes. Those were good times in Wharton, Danawell, and elsewhere. And those were good people, great friends, who shared (or at least humored) my obsession with BTVS and helped me to enjoy the Creek (did Pacey and Joey end up together? 'Cause, well, they should have.) and Felicity (I liked the haircut!!!) and Angel (DB really is a brillant actor, no?). With all these warm and fuzzy thoughts going on in my head, I thought I'd just take the opportunity to say, so long WB, thanks for the memories! And to all you fellow frilly-WB-viewers, thanks for taking the ride with me. Mwah!


aging cowgirl said...

As a late convert to Dawson's Creek I think I would also have gotten a little mushy with images of joey and pacey, especially with a cheesy 90's love song in the background (preferably by Jewel, who they quoted in the last episode!). They do end up together although Joey tells Dawson that he will always be her "soulmate". I remember reading a funny piece on the DC series finale where the author was grateful that we wouldn't have to hear so much about "soulmates" on TV ever again.

ponyboy said...

all i have to say, thank god for DVDs! mostly because i was not part of the swat crew who watched "buffy" when it was on, but rather waited till she was in grad school to watch the seasons on DVD--and stayed up way too late too many nights needing to know what happened next!! and i do love the ending. i actually like the ending episodes of Dawson's Creek too :) Cuz Pacey is so the man!

zuppe said...


I remember those Buffy (then Buffy/Angel) nights so fondly! They were the highlight of the week, really.... in addition to cream-of-wheat day at the dining hall.

I might have to watch the Sunday farewell show.... even if they play Nickelback. But really they should play Matchbox 20 :)

starbright oogi said...

gg is on tonight! i wonder if this is it's last year. i miss the heyday or wb. it's funny that i think of those shows are being part of my youth when i started watching them in college :)