Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Shuffling Sincerity

The Frillseekers love of the Irish has been well-documented and now I add another piece of pop culture to the pile. The movie, "Once", set in Dublin is charming. It's the story of a guy who sings folky songs on the streets and his relationship with a woman who sells flowers and cleans houses, but who is also a musician. I really liked the dynamic between them-- always an undercurrent of sexual tension but also something else. In A.O. Scott's review in the NYT he said, "While there is an evident spark of attraction between them — Ms. Irglova’s teasing directness works beautifully with Mr. Hansard’s shuffling sincerity — “Once” is far from a conventional love story. It is, instead, the story of a creative partnership that develops by chance and that involves a deeper, riskier bond than mere sex ever could."
Any review that has "deeper" and "riskier" in the same line as "sex" already has me sold.


jblogs said...

though i tend not to be attracted to white boys...i must say i have had a history of taking a strange liking to irish men.

zuppe said...

I already told you, AC, but I read a review of this in Entertainment Weekly and totally thought of you :P

Now watch "Music and Lyrics" and try not to cry... and writhe in pain.

starbright oogi said...

it is playing here now and i totally want to go see it.