Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Lucky Bastards

Dear Lucky,

You won me over with ON-TREND and WELL-EDITED -- those were just too, too fabulous and continue to be endless sources of amusement.

You made me gag a little with STATEMENT-Y and VINTAGEY, but again -- I forgive because I realize that other words and phrases ALREADY IN FOTHERMUCKING EXISTENCE *ahem* may be too clunky to use in a given blurb, or too long to fit neatly inside your cute little thumbnail product images which collaborate so well together to create the small multiple layouts that I love.

But you've lost me with WORK-Y.

There's no excuse for it. PROFESSIONAL, TAILORED, CLASSIC, SHARP and, yes, even TWEEDY are sobbing in a corner, and they cannot be consoled. Also sobbing with them? The entire English language.

Also, those pants are suffocating that girl's crotch, and the pleats just add bitchslap to injury.

<3 zuppe


aging cowgirl said...

Whither the pants?

In other clothing news, thoughts on SJP's new line, Bitten? The name is unappealing, innit?

zuppe said...

AC - it's July's Lucky. Sorry for the spoiler :P

Budget Fashionista blog said it was crap, I think.

I have no idea what the name is supposed to connote. It's better than Alyssa Milano's clothing line name -- Touch.

zuppe said...

yo, one of many (I'm sure) posts about Bitten:

North Jers, represent!

starbright oogi said...

i saw that bitten had some cute-ish costume jewelry. is cute-ish okay? work-y is asinine. but it kind of sums my attempts to be work productive.