Monday, May 29, 2006

wrapdress kick

i don't make enough money for all this but i'm on a create my own personal wrap dress collection.

let's be honest...i've never been one to fixate on fashion as a hobby. but now that i'm a young urban professional...and i ain't gettin' any younger, the idea of looking a little more fabulous is quite alluring.

one dress is in the mail. but my future purchase...once enough time has passed and money made to justify it...will be this (or perhaps the black/cerise, more understated one):

gawd. what has gotten into me.


lilbunny and espressoboy said...

J, I am in full support of your wrap dress collection. The forever academic, I don't know if I shall ever get to develop an urban professional wardrobe of my own. Thus, I must live vicariously through you. The colors in this collection are really beautiful.

zuppe said...

Ooh, I 2nd the support for the wrap dresses. I think they would look super-fabulous on you! Understated is overrated. Go for the white/black/peeeenk one!

lilbunny, you sell yourself short on the wardrobe front :P I think we aaaaall know who the best dressed chemist this side of the Mississippi is.

jblogs said...

yeah...i'm feelin the bold prints and such. i need to start making "statements." i ain't gettin' any younger you know.

and isn't it that as we get older that's when we GET to be more adventurous?! i'll be that obnoxious brashly dressed old lady that insists on bright lipstick and flashy prints...heheh. (maybe not)

i'll report back on how these dresses work or don't work once i get them.

wrapdress fiend, over and out.