Thursday, June 01, 2006

chicago: frilly food

we did it up right in chicago, fellow frillseekers.

Link me to other blog!


zuppe said...

Dude, I just read your post for my virtual breakfast. I so want charred hot dogs now.

I am SO OVER the bronze Buddha statues. If I have a restaurant I would have to find some awesome terrible deity to put up front. Or maybe a huge version of one of the freaky tantric statuettes from the Museum of Natural History.

jblogs said...

yum. dogs.

yeah zuupe. i mean...i was definitely conspiring to open my own joint where a huge technicolor jesus on the cross greets you at the door. i'll call it "protestant chic" with "pan-old world cuisine." patrons will milk their own goats prior to dining.

zuppe said...

DUDE. this rocks. we need to get on it, tout suite!

we can have aged barn decor! and wenches! where is Hildi Santos to put some straw on our walls?!

or wait, does this exist already, in the form of Medieval Times? :P