Monday, July 24, 2006

"Vogue" is still an addictive song....

...and it was pretty awesome that they used it in "The Devil Wears Prada", which I didn't hate as much as I thought I would. Between the music, the makeup and Meryl it was pretty fun. And I heard "Vogue" this morning. If I weren't driving I would have stricken a pose, for sure.

I also didn't hate the newer version of "Pride & Prejudice" as much as I thought I would. The last scene is pretty damn heinous, but the rest of it wasn't totally awful. Don't hate me, please.

"Rumor Has It" may be one of the worst movies I have seen. Uh, I'm really edging toward "meh" with Mark Ruffalo. One cool indie performance doesn't really excuse playing the same nice-guy-potential-doormat-boyfriend in scads of less-than-mediocre romantic comedies. There, I said it. Even a couple more mustachioed cop roles would improve his standing. MARK, GET ON IT BEFORE YOU GO OUT LIKE MEG RYAN.

And in other news, I just had to share my excitement at seeing none other than Russell and Kimora Lee Simmons with their two cute kidlets strolling down the streets of my fair little hamlet yesterday evening. I nearly ran after them shouting "I love you guys!!", but settled for standing in the street grinning like an idiot.


aging cowgirl said...

As President of the New Haven chapter of the Mark Ruffalo Fan Club, I have a knee-jerk reaction to your comments: Mark is more than just a nice guy in mediocre rom-coms! He is putting forth a new idea of masculinity--one that acknowledges vulnerability and interdependence. That said, it pains me to see him be typecast in this way and I agree that he needs to be more discerning in the roles he accepts. His characters in Rumor Has It, 13 Going on 30 and Just Like Heaven are so forgettable (like most male rom-com leads). He was up for a Tony award for his role in Awake and Sing! so at least he is doing something to feed his craft. Viva Mark Ruffalo!

starbright oogi said...

Ditto AC, ditto x 1000!

starbright oogi said...

wait, are russell and kimora back together or just doing the good parent thing? i have watched a few epis of run's house, which is rather entertaining.

i rather liked pride and prejudice, though it does compare to the laurence olivier or colin firth versions. i am on the fence about keira.

how was the fashion in "prada"?

zuppe said...

I enjoyed the fashion in 'Prada', even the first "makeover" outfit -- it's kind of 90s to me, actually. It's black and gold, which I like a lot. And there's the chance we could be heading for the 90s revival since the 80s thing is going strong right now. I haven't decided if that is scary or fun. Sort of like the leggings. Ok, well, ankle-length is scary; capri-length is fun. That's my arbitrary take on it.

Maybe Mark is doing crap roles to save up for more indie projects. I am just tired of him being the redemptive prize for girlfriends-gone-bad at the end of so many movies.