Friday, October 13, 2006

fabulousness, 18th-century style

I am excited to see this film. For several reasons, but perhaps mostly because of this last little bit of the review from the NYT:

“Marie Antoinette” is rated PG-13 (Parents strongly cautioned). It has glimmers of sexuality and brief glimpses of naked flesh amid all the fabulous clothes.

I inserted the bold-type right there :). Anyways. Just wanted to share my excitedness. I haven't seen The Departed yet, but these are the two films that are currently striking my fancy (that and The Prestige, which I don't know how to characterize yet). But I see these two films as being night and day to one and other, at least from the previews. One is from a celebrated male director featuring a mostly male cast and I can't really think of it without thinking of machismo and a bit of male-locker-room-smell (ew, sorry). The other one is from a celebrated female director, staring a woman, and when I think of it, I imagine cakes and cookies and hints of floral perfume wafting through the air. This is a very sterotyped division of the sexes, on my part, and I apologize for that. But I think Shonda Rhimes would be proud.


zuppe said...

"Glimmers" of sexuality? That is how I like my eyeshadow and nail polish for sure :)

I am tempted by this movie also. It looks like Madonna's 1990 VMA performance of "Vogue", only longer and maybe with more emotional nuance. Also: cake!

Shockingly, I do not hate Kirsten Dunst. She's precisely the type of starlet that I should love to hate, but Mischa Barton done sapped up all my vitriol.

I would characterize "The Prestige" as such: Hugh Jackman. And his huuuuuge acmen. HUUUUUGE. He is beauty, and beauty is truth, truth beauty -- and, basically, that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.

ponyboy said...

zuppe--did you see the last woody allen movie with hugh jackman in it? i actually did enjoy the movie, thought it was funny, but there are some very nice shots of the yummy hugh in his boxers!

starbright oogi said...

I really want to see The Prestige and even Marie Antoinette, though my annoyance with Kirsten Dunst may render the latter to when it comes out on video. I want to hear reviews though!