Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Something is screwy.

Well at least my shoddy construction demonstrates I did all this work myself.

Welcome to frill_seekers 3.0, which will soon have its game face on. For now, let's just say someone's slip is showing, shall we?

Clichés aside, I hope to have the template refined by Project Runway time tomorrow.

Speaking of, or rather, awkwardly segue-ing to.... the fact that the Project Runway Season 3 finale is tomorrow night. Whether you do or do not follow the show, you may have noticed that Season 2 was a frequent topic here. My recent lack of chatter regarding Season 3 can be attributed to the fact of my changing jobs recently, but is probably more due to the fact that the show as a whole has become somewhat sucky. The editors or writers have chosen to focus more on drama, the judges have decided to focus more on what they call "taste", and thusly I have been forced to focus on the ginormous suckitude of this season.

But tomorrow night (or tonight, if you're sane and reading this on Wednesday), we find out who wins. And even that is fraught with contrived drama as last week there had been some talk of one final designer having had outside (illegal) help with his collection. Sturm und Drang und YAWN. I do not even care who wins, really. Well, I do, sort of. But not really. Well... no, they've made it impossible to care.

My favorite for spirit/personality, Michael, has already won the $10K prize for being the audience favorite. Huzzah! Judging by the work shown in the first part of the finale, it seems like his collection is maybe the worst of the group. Not so huzzah.

My least favorite personality, Jeffrey, seems to have the most exciting collection and could be a contender for the win... dunh dunh DUNH if he overcomes the cheating accusations and is still part of the competition.

Laura and Uli seem to have produced collections that are typical of their respective styles (flapper deluxe and boho deluxe) demonstrated throughout the season. That said, I am still really excited to see what they've made because I got to like each of them very much, personality and design-wise.

I really cannot call it, and I feel like I've been waiting for-freaking-ever because Fashion Week was an effing month ago and it was really really hard not to peek at the collection photos. Like... DAYUMN.

Anyway, here is a cool gallery with close-ups of all the creations from the season (and from past seasons too, if you click on "Project Runway"). There are also sections for each finalist's Fashion Week show, if you want a preview. Especially since we'll probably get 39 minutes of expertly hand-crafted dramality and maybe 4 minutes of actual design.

Something is screwy indeed, because I may care more about the Mets making it to the World Series. What a coup!


aging cowgirl said...

so it happened-- Jeffrey the Jack*** won PR season 3. He had an emotional meltdown after he was cleared of the cheating scandal (but stripped of his white balloon shorts) and Uli, in an effusive show of German warmth, comforted him. I feel he deserved it, but, like zuppe, cannot get myself to feel all that gleeful because of his personality and the decline in the editing of the show. He reminded us and the judges what it means to be innovative and edgy and I am grateful for that and I guess I can also take a little bit of pleasure in the fact that it was pure design and craftsmanship that got him the win, he certainly didn't win anybody over with his charm.

zuppe said...

Well said, aging cowgirl. His clothing was my favorite out of the four shows, and he did put on a good show.

Uli's music was pretty awesome. It was adorable.

At least Marilinda gets the magazine layout, which rocks! She was my favorite model.

More soon.

starbright oogi said...

I loved Uli's clothes and presentation. I also throught Laura's work was lovely.

I don't quite understand the innovation requirement for fashion... it seems like wearability and attractiveness should be valued as much.

Uli may now be my favorite persona-- she's pretty rad.

This season was pretty dull. I wonder if they will recapture the magic next season?

zuppe said...

I think there should be room for both innovation and wearability - why bother looking for a new designer if they're not doing anything new? Granted, "new"ness is pretty much as debatable as "attractiveness" these days. Are there new ideas, really? The best manage to do both (PR 1 Jay's show did that for me). I think Uli and Jeffrey displayed both of these, albeit with different aesthetics for different customers. I guess we are alternating "avant-garde-ish" with "femme fatale" designers, in terms of PR's track record.

Hurtful example of neither innovation nor wearability: Michael's lace-up front motif. WTF was up with that. I don't think it even qualifies as "safari" wear. Ack, more than my enthusiasm for any collection, I most strongly felt confused by Michael's. A couple of outfits were cool, but egad. In general, egad.

I am amazed at Laura's hand-beading abilities. Like, DAYUMN. That chartreuse belt w/ the grey dress might be one of my favorite PR things, ever.

It seems like PR struggles with that a lot, and I think the judging decisions during the season show they favor wearability at some points and innovation at others. As Tim would say, it really is all a matter of taste, I guess.

I just hope the judges have more my taste next season, but I'm just being selfish.

starbright oogi said...

laura's grey dress was a beauty.

i read something about how karen o really liked michael's stuff since it was so sexy, but not sure if she meant the final collection.

i understand the innovation point better- esp. when fashion is considered an art. i guess i am tired of trends and what is deemed fashionable since it is so slated to a certain age/body type demographic.

jblogs said...


jeffrey. interesting. i got his creative vibe.

michael. oh poo. disappointing.

laura. leave dkny for donna karen to do.