Monday, January 22, 2007

A ragtag team of outsiders led to triumph by a tough-love leader....

Inspired by a true story, of course. Sounds familiar doesn't it? Only not. Seriously, I was almost in tears. All in keeping with my sports + strife-laden drama = zuppepuddle. This is a genuinely heartwarming story. Now I can understand to some extent why this formula keeps coming back to the big screen (or small screen, in the case of the Disney Channel made-for-tv movies). Let's hope, that as some jaded studio exec picks up on this and tries to cobble together a treatment, it doesn't get watered down into the next Dakota Fanning vehicle or something. And is it clear yet that I have no idea how movies get made, despite repeated viewings of HBO's "Project Greenlight" (and no, not just for my fascination with Chris Moore)?

In (not so)related news, I found this gossip kind of funny. I feel like I maybe wouldn't be able to stand Angelina in terms of real life interaction. Though I did love her dress and jewelry - it was vaguely reminiscent of the ludicrous Alexander.

1 comment:

aging cowgirl said...

Angelina really has been a sourpuss on the red carpet. I know being a style icon can be exhausting, but come on, this comes with the territory of being a celebrity. I don't think she has fallen from grace completely-- all the tabloids, including the NYT style section, are hoping for it, but it hasn't happened yet. I recently read that the Jolie-Pitts have bought a house in the French Quarter in New Orleans and that will be their homebase. Like with other things La Jolie does, I like the concept but don't want to commit to liking her.