Monday, February 12, 2007

The Google Corpocrazy

So I switched our blog over to "The New Blogger" which is powered by Google (which powers my life nowadays). I appreciate the ease of it all (including all those Google Account deals), but it makes me a little nervous.

One nice thing that "The New Blogger" allows us to do is "label" or "tag" our posts, so that if you wanted to find some baking tip that was mentioned here, you can click on the "food" label. I'm slowly but surely back-tagging (does that sound dirty?) our posts so that one day if you really wanted to do that, you will be able to.

If you got a problem
Yo I'll solve it
Check out the blog
While the mistress evolves it.

That's right. I did use that intransitive verb transitively. Mwahahaha.

1 comment:

jblogs said...

mm...back tagging...that DOES sound naughty.

thanks for being oh wonderful mistress of admin. :-)