Sunday, February 11, 2007

Outing a couple more of my obsessions....

So I've confessed this recent one to numerous people:
This is another nice photo from that New York Times Magazine layout, for Aging Cowgirl:
But I'm betting it's already framed in the bathroom, or the bedroom.

But there are more where that came from upon which I promised to elaborate....
For lilbunny:
Now I don't know if they'll really be that funny for everyone who doesn't really like Saturday Night Live, but here goes....
(right click to open in new window/tab)
Lazy Sunday
The Best Gift Ever
Natalie Portman Raps
Andy's Excuse

And from a while back, randomly found on the internets somewhere:
Y'all, the dream is over! Let us remember them at their finest:
Britney Eats For Two (Radar Online)

And for Aging Cowgirl:
Yes, this is how I spend my time and use my valuable grapheeecs skeeelz....

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aging cowgirl said...
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aging cowgirl said...

Me, again: I have already clipped the Ryan Nelson photo and always have it close at hand. Half Nelson comes out on DVD today! I fear overselling it because that always leads to disappointment but. . . you need to watch it.

aging cowgirl said...

The series on Friday Night Lights is genius, my friend, genius. I started laughing with emotive hair and didn't stop all the way through Riggins' makeup, Tyra's automotive maintenance, but I think my favorite has to be "Communication Cleavage" and Landry's Word Power.

zuppe said...

dude, it has Gosling being all dark and drugged and stuff - you know how much I love that look lately for the teen idol set. I've read some reviews and it sounds really good! onto the netflix queue it goes!

jblogs said...

i seriously gave a belly laugh after staring at those shots of the kfed/britney conversation.....belly.