Tuesday, May 01, 2007

it's baaaaaaaack!

After last week's surprisingly satisfying GG ep, I am all revved up for more... and quite excited about the return of the one, the only, VM. So grab your suntan lotion and boogie boards, ladies, 'cause we're heading back to sunny So. Cal.!!


lilbunny and espressoboy said...
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aging cowgirl said...

Last night was good-- the L*L sexual tension that I always appreciated was there and the difficult but necessary decision to send Logan packing. To recap the drama of last week, I just watched the "I will always love you" moment again on You Tube and I teared up (again). GG doesn't get better than that.

zuppe said...

I know it's time for this show to end, but I will still be all crying and crap.

Too bad the penultimate episode seemed to be all filler and the stupid CW gave away a potential L*L scene.

C'mon, GG, give us a big finish!!!!

lilbunny and espressoboy said...

Something got f***** up'ed. :(. Anyways... here was the earlier post of mine, sans link:

So it was announced today that GG will be ending this season, which is something that I am OK with. There had been some murmurs on the forums of it being picked up for another 8-10 eps, but I guess that didn't pan out. I have this vision of what the very last scene will be like -- it makes me tear up just to think of it (this is pure speculation, but I'm not gonna post it here 'cause it may be colored a bit by spoilers). These past two eps have been quite great... more classic GG, I think. And if they can keep it up for just 2 more eps, I will be very happy. I better start stocking up on the Kleenex....