Sunday, May 13, 2007

"Oh no you didn't...."

...said Ryan Gosling in a charmingly joking manner.

I am sure that Aging Cowgirl may be, er, disappointed, but that was one of my favorite moments in the movie "Half Nelson". Which she made me watch. But it's good. So I'd make you watch it too. But I'd make you watch "The Wire" first. Then I would ask you the difference between snorting, smoking, and freebasing because I still can't get my head around it.

Aging Cowgirl, I think you should definitely watch "Murder by Numbers" for another take on Ryan Gosling's scary/seductive quality. He does it so well.

But to tide you over until Netflix delivers it to you, here are scans of a recent article about him (sorry for the wrinkly pages):
Page 1
Page 2

And something I made especially for you, with something else Goslingy to follow soon:

[click for link to larger one you can download]


aging cowgirl said...

I agree that the "Oh no you didn't" moment was charming. He's a charmer, that Gosling, even when he is freebasing.
I thought you were going to out me on Frillseekers as having no idea what "freebasing" actually means and trying to fake it. That's true. So now I have outed myself. Ryan would understand.

zuppe said...

I hesitate to Google the word "freebasing" while at work.

aging cowgirl said...

I wish we had a kindly and knowledgable health education teacher to point us in the right direction for drug terminology. This was always the hardest part when doing book reports.