Friday, August 10, 2007

What's your favorite violent/horror/action movie?

So there was a recent speaker-phone discussion among some of this blog's participants about violent movies and I feltI'd pay homage to three of my favorite movies ever, all of which address different types of violence in unique ways.


zuppe said...

I think that conversation was started by me saying I wish I had time to force Aging Cowgirl to watch "300" with me.

Well I've just seen "300" and I think it would have been awesome to see it in the theater. It's just one of those movies. It's not *as* awesome as I had hoped, but it is like a comic book come to life, which I like a lot.

I liked that about "Sin City" too, which was, well, pretty violent. Frank Miller, you got some problems, dude, but I enjoy watching them.

In general, I like action movies. I won’t watch the ones with Steven Seagal, but if it has crush-worthy stars, I’ll at least try to watch it. As far as favorites… the Matrix and X-Men trilogies are high up there. I own "The Transporter", so I guess that has to be a favorite too, though plot-wise it’s pretty dumb. Speaking of, Jet Li and Jason Statham have another movie coming out, which I am excited about but will probably watch ALL ALONE. Speaking of Jason Statham, I will pretty much watch anything of his. I also liked “Transformers” and “Casino Royale”. I am also a fan of the overly complicated gangster/caper/heist genre in which I’d group “Snatch” and “The Italian Job”. Yes, also starring Jason Statham.

I like “Silence of the Lambs” but I never feel like I totally got it, especially as to why Hannibal Lecter is such an intriguing character. Maybe it requires a re-viewing.

I don’t think I like any horror movies (right?). The closest thing I might enjoy are procedural-esque murder mysteries like “The Bone Collector”.

Oh and a couple of classics: “Ghost Busters”, and, of course, “Goonies”. And if you have not watched “Goonies”, I do think you need to.

ponyboy said...

Goonies! I think that was like the first movie I watched when I moved to the US! As for "Silence," it's all about Jodie Foster's character and the whole psychological f*king around that Lecter does. It's way more creepy than scary which apparently I like!

Speaking of Jet Li, I have to say I loved that movie he did with Aliyah (Romeo must die!), though it was cheesy as hell...:)

I know you're a big fan of Jason Statham, zuppe. I'll have to check out some of his movies you like some day...and if we happen to be in the same place when the Jet Li/JS flick comes out, I'll totally go to see it with you on the BIG screen!

km said...

I didn't deal well with watching 300 on the plane. I watched clips of it throughout my 14 hour ride as I channeled surf- and their portrayals of the Persians were ridiculous and offensive. But of course, their portrayals of the Spartans were only slightly less ridiculous.

As for horror movies- as many of you know--I hate them. I jump at everything and images stick in my head. The ones that are horrific and stay with me: Silence of the Lambs and The Cell. *Shiver up my spine* and ick (if I could spit, I would...)

I love Grosse Point Blank and I really like Jet Li. I don't mind violent action films though.

zuppe said...

They showed "300" on the plane?! I think that's just really weird and, I don't know, inappropriate.

But speaking of weird and inappropriate, that reminds me of the short film that won the MTV Spoof award earlier this year: United 300. [Wikipedia entry; YouTube video.]

More on watching "300"... I listened to the commentary track on the DVD of "300", and the director sounded about 15 years old, honestly. I guess that really added to my feeling that something was missing from this.