Friday, July 28, 2006

Muthaf***in' Fashion Star

Perhaps it's telling I haven't yet done a Project Runway Season 3 post. Oh I've been watching all right. But the show has NOT been pleasing me AT ALL. The contestants are impressive this season -- there have been many sleeved outfits, and I do mean outfits -- with more than one piece of clothing. But the continuation of the stupid model competition format plus the judges (including Kors' substitute Vera Wang, meh, like the irritating sub teacher who made you regret coming to school that day) making crappy decisions left and right ... well, it's got my muslins in a twist - and not the pretty Santino-effect kind.

The primary reason for my disappointment is that we're getting much more work-room drama than time with the designers' creative processes. While one of the main reasons to watch reality TV is the hour-long tirades over who's not doing the dishes and how it affects everyone's sex life, I don't want that from Project Runway. I actually don't care about your sewing machine tiffs when we've got, like, half the designers creating some awesome stuff but being completely ignored by the editors. To some extent, this early in the game that has to happen. We can't really keep up with all thirteen and the intricacies of their designs, but at least take a minute to show us what they're doing. Case in point: this week, part of the challenge was to design around a narrative each designer created. I would have liked to know what each one came up with. Instead, we just get about 3 seconds of runway time to be all "Oh! Hey, wait, who designed that?!"

But anyway. My early favorite has turned out be Michael Knight, who really should have theme music play everytime he enters a room. Even Entertainment Weekly, who ran this adooooorable photo of him, sides with me on why the hell isn't this guy getting any love?! But you know what? all I have to say is Daniel Vosovic and Jay McCarroll (never won a challenge!), dude. They made it to fashion week after all, too.


1 comment:

jblogs said...



