Tuesday, August 29, 2006

semi-frilly: pink's 'dear mr. president'

okay. not total frills but still entertaining...and moving I think.

what do you all think about this song?
does this confirm or change your opinion of 'pink' as an artist?

things that make you go hmm....

link me


lilbunny and espressoboy said...

J, I agree with your use of the word "moving" with regard to Pink's performance here. I wasn't aware that Pink had a new album and I certainly hadn't heard this song/performance until now. I've kinda always liked Pink for being an entertainer, but I never really got the rock-activist vibe from her until now. I want to know a bit more about her, and what she's done in her life, besides Lady Marmalade, where she's from, etc. I feel like these would help me to put her lyrics "Let me tell you about hard work" into perspective.

aging cowgirl said...

I was really impressed by this. I think what made it moving for me was how it captured the move from anger to sadness that a lot of people are feeling right now in regards to Bush, the war, etc. People are tired of being outraged and don't have the energy to protest. Now some of us are just disappointed, disillusioned, and confused. Pink makes it seem like there could be a reasonable dialogue with W. but the fact that this isn't happening seems to be the most confusing part of it all.

zuppe said...

I like-a the Pink. I am extremely fond of her song and video for "Stupid Girls". I think AC and LB covered the praise for the lyrics and emotion part; I will add that her voice sounds pretty awesome in this 'unplugged' performance.