Wednesday, October 04, 2006

America's Next Top Model

I don't watch the show reguarly and I don't want to be down on a fellow brown girl, but I really don't think Anchal to be all that attractive...maybe it's because I feel like she's too skinny for an Indian gal! Guess I prefer my South Asian gals to be solid.


starbright oogi said...

I think Anchal is pretty...more typically pretty than the last South Asian girl they had on. Funny thing is that I think she is more solid than the other waif models. I wish they would do something interesting with her hair though. I feel like she is sort of the exotic one with raven locks.

lilbunny and espressoboy said...

i think it's funny too, 'cause the only ep i've seen all season is one where anchal starts crying 'cause the other girls are talking about her behind her back and she is often quoted as saying that even though people tell her she's beautiful, she really doesn't believe it, she has "very little self-confidence." that and most of the "candid shots" of her durnig the ep included her eating something "fatty." so i agree with s.o. in that although she might be little on the lean side in the real world, in model land, she appears to be more sturdy than the avg waif.

zuppe said...

Among the high fashion models (not that Tyra produces them... or is one herself anymore), as Mama of Starbright Oogi would agree ponyboy, Anchal is indeed solid (or as I like to say in my 1970s groovy funk-voice: so-liiiiiiiiid).

She is getting what I call "the heifer/boo-hoo I misplaced my confidence edit" on Top Model. She is shown eating in every other shot of her (in the other shots, she's crying). I suspect she will be ousted for lack of personality and/or lack of improvement (aka either lose it or use it, the "it" being her booty, but do something with it).

ponyboy, wait until you see the stick insect that is Padma Laxmi!

ponyboy said...

apparently i have very warped views about who's skinny and who's pretty ;) i stand corrected!