Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Not so much missing as non-existent


Please note we have a new section right thurr. Add a comment with a list of any links you'd like to see represented on our blog in a permanent capacity. It can be other blogs you think we would be interested in on a regular basis, your personal website, entertainment or hobby sites, etc.

Right now, J and I are the only ones with ADMIN POWER, so the list is pretty much up to our discretion. I'll try not to include too many Jason Statham links, but I can't make any promises. Of course, if anyone would like to be blessed with ADMIN POWER, you just let us know, and, if you need some template learnin', we could even show you how to add (and delete) links and change around font colors and such.


lilbunny and espressoboy said...

For Frills of the Gastronomical Kind:

Check out: www.bakingrecipes.blogspot.com

A relatively recent post suggests that this blog is still being maintained, but perhaps only sporadically. However, the recipes can be trusted and the pictures are fabulous.

For more foodie-frills (and some of the romantical nature): check out


where you can read how lilbunny's lil' brother proposed to his girlfriend, and what they ate for dinner afterwards!

starbright oogi said...

lately, i've been liking


it's kind of too cool fashioney, but he has pretty pictures.