Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Poll of sorts: Which magazines do you (or would you) subscribe to?


zuppe said...

My "Lucky" subscription is over. I am not sure if I'd subscribe again - maybe if I received it for free with those airline miles programs. In fact, I may have signed up for it again, actually.

"Lucky" has gone way downhill since I first started reading it. Occasionally there's a feature or an outfit that hearkens back to my initial excitement over the magazine, but by and large it's a pile of "meh". The only things I'd look forward to are the jewelry section, and the fall shoes and bags. Even then, all that stuff is too pricy for me.

I like "Shop, Etc." because they have a cute home and beauty section, but I'm not sure if I would pay full price for a subscription.

I am intrigued by "Domino", but don't have a home of my own so whatever.

I lament the loss of "Suede" -- that was a magazine worth full price to me.

For beauty sections, I think InStyle, ShopEtc have the better ones. Allure is tripe - even worse, regurgitated tripe. Zink is supposed to be great for beauty stuff but is more artsy (and pricy, I think).

No fashion magazines really apply to me, so I don't really have a preference. I think "Lucky", while annoying, is the most aesthetically pleasing and contains the least pseudoscience BS. NYLON is intriguing but it tries really hard to be hip (gosh, you'd think it'd be my bible!) Marie Claire touts itself as the "smart girls' book" -- enough to make me avoid it altogether.

If I had to pick something, I might choose "Entertainment Weekly" or "Vibe" or something completely new. Nina Garcia intrigues me, so I might try "Elle", but only out of fandom. And maybe only if I could get it for free.

Sorry this is so long. I think it's nice to receive a magazine every month, but lately I think it's nicer to hang out in a bookstore once a month and just buy the one I like the most (if any) for that month.

aging cowgirl said...

I think I would enjoy getting a cooking magazine-- something that gets me to try new ingredients because of the glossy pictures and something with recipes that I can rip out and take with me to the grocery store. "Living" has the gorgeous pictures but there is an attitude of perfectionism that is hard to deal with, Rachel Ray is the opposite. I don't need recipes for the cheesiest nachos or "Thai it you'll like it" chicken. I like a little bit of elitism with my cooking, thank you very much. Cooking Light was a favorite in the past.

lilbunny and espressoboy said...

Oh ac, I am saddened to read your disparaging remarks against the Queen of Perky, Ms. Rachel Ray. While her ditziness does not always sit well with me, and her endless perkiness continues to astound me, I have grown quite fond of the lady and the recipes I've tried of hers (now, perhaps, 10 or so) always come out yum-o. I haven't picked up her magazing yet, however, so I don't know how that is. I do understand, however, that RR provides a sharp contrast to the Marthas's and the Gourmet's out there. Perhaps that's just it; I'm just more of a casual kind of frill-seeker :).

aging cowgirl said...

I think casual frill-seeking is great and I don't want to say that it is Gourmet or bust, but perhaps there is something about rachel ray that seems aggressively uninformed? I think it is really the way she talks about "ethnic" food that gets me a bit annoyed. But perhaps I am taking out larger life frustrations on RR, who calls it like she sees it and there's no shame in that.

starbright oogi said...

Thanks for the thoughts! I am debating a renewal of the New Yorker. It is sort of aspirational for me...I aspire to read it every week rather than let it pile up for months as a time.

Other than that, a food magazine does have its appeal as does a lifestyle magazine. I got Saveur for a time, which is also really pretty.

I too like the layout of Lucky if not the fashion sense as much. Zuppe, have you seen Vibe Vixen-- don't know if it is like Suede or not....

Somehow Rachel Ray's magazine strike me as sort of Better Home and Garden. I know very little about her or her mag though, so I have no opinion :)

jblogs said...

ah...my turn:

current subscriptions
- GOOD magazine (Just-launched magazine that's trying to talk about living a "good" lifestyle...environmental, political activism (left bent))
- Everyday Food (from Martha Stewart)
- ReadyMade (leftover subscription from previous resident of my apartment...young and hip DIY home improvement projects)
- Dwell (also leftover...hip interior design goodness..MMM)
- Real Simple (my love)
- Cooking Light (okay...I think I just let that lapse cuz Everyday Food is smaller more focused on recipes and good enough for everyday inspiration)

aging cowgirl said...

this article from the new york times magazine about the anti-rachel ray contingent both jutifies and cliche-ifies my feelings about her!
Access the article in our new Links section.

aging cowgirl said...

ok here is the link- please cut and paste and forgive my tech foibles.
