Monday, April 17, 2006

I'm just smarmy, hold the pretension

I watched "East is East" twice this past weekend. Pretty much just for Chris Bisson*.

Believe it or not, this was the least dorky photo I could find (doesn't it look like he is slightly drunk at 2.07am on a Friday night somewhere in the painted-cinder-block halls of my most fair and beloved senior-year manse -- Hallowell?) , though he is quite the soap star in the UK. His hair is much prettier in the movie. I also find it endearing that he has a case of photo-generated-sometimes-lazy-eye, just like moi. Which is quite funny considering I used to be cross-eyed in pictures when I was a wee one.

...and I've taken to watching The Apprentice again. Pretty much just for:

Come on, wouldn't you? He's like Orlando Bloom, Eric Bana and Omar Sharif all in one obnoxiously-cocky-Mensa-certificate-plus-chip-on-shoulder-touting package.

*OK, and for the cute little kid who plays Sajid saying "Get stuffed" and also for Archie Panjabi's "Ini Logon Ne" dancing scene. Seriously, it has its problems, but watch the movie!


aging cowgirl said...

The apprentice guy really is cute-- especially the orlando bloom aspects. I have high hopes for eric bana.
In frozen dessert news, the new seasonal flavors from Ben and Jerry's are out. I tried "The Full Vermonty" which has coffee liquer ice cream with chocolate swirl and fudge cows.

starbright oogi said...

apprentice guy is indeed a huskier/man-ly-er orlando :) can i even say man-ly-er or is that out of bounds...

the desi guy looks like how i imagine nitin sawhney-- who, by the way, i don't i have ever heard. his cd's are pricey in the states.

jblogs said...

i agree. he kinda dreamy. helloooo from taiwan! (that will be a forthcoming quick post, don't worry)