Sunday, April 09, 2006

in case you cared to know

You are a

Social Liberal
(71% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(10% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test


zuppe said...

I'm a socialist too!

ponyboy said...

83% Socially Permissive 13% Economically Permissive. Socialist as well...

jblogs said...

yay! but just a note. i'm pretty sure the way the survey is really should read Economic Liberal (71% permissive) and Social Liberal (10% permissive). I donno. isn't that right? just compare the two charts...especially the one with the plain dual axes.

zuppe said...

I think "permissive" in this case means less regulation for the economy (more of a pure free market). If we favor more regulation, we are less permissive (hence the 10%).

But if you were only 10% socially permissive, that means you would favor more controls over social behavior -- somehow, that doesn't strike me as very "J" :)

jblogs said...

Ah! Thanks zuppe. I am now enlightened. I guess that makes sense...more controls over social behavior...muahhahaha! clone them all!!!

aging cowgirl said...

put me on the socialist bandwagon (perhaps we should be called the scandinavian frillseekers?) with Social Liberal (86% permissive) and Economic Liberal (6% permissive). My favorite statement was "It should be legal for two consenting adults to challenge each other to a duel and fight a Death Match."
Do you think we can pinpoint the questions where there might be some disagreement?

zuppe said...

I know I strongly agreed that Death Match should be legal. I am all for it.

Cowgirl, you are the most socially liberal of all so far! I crown thee Craziest Dirty Pinko Hippy!

aging cowgirl said...

once i get tired of being an aging cowgirl, perhaps "dirty pinko hippy" should be my screename.