Sunday, April 02, 2006

So I met some of Aging Cowgirl's friends this weekend....

We had several interesting conversations about democratic governance, briefs vs. boxers as signifiers of modernity, and the attitudes of today's activist youth.

We also made Easter eggs and watched a Derrida documentary. Well she did. I made it through about five minutes.

Also, I'm sad to see the demise of one of my very favorite wacky celebrity couples. Let's try to remember them at their best, shall we?


jblogs said...

what??! they're not together anymore? did miss baby phat get fed up with being fetishized? liberate yourself woman!!

zuppe said...

They just announced their divorce or plans to divorce. I heard rumors of Russell possibly wanting to get more into politics, so his weed-smoking wife (yep, she's got a record) may prove to be a liability or something.