Wednesday, February 15, 2006

please buy my chiclé!

OK, so tonight is the penultimate episode of Project Runway's S2, folks. I am still mourning the departure of dear sweet Uncle Nicko, but sadly his work sort of slumped toward the end.

My favorite, as many of you might have heard, is Daniel Vosovic, mainly because he is both talented and such a sweetheart. To be honest, I haven't loved anyone's work that consistently through this competition, but I am excited to see what the finalists will prepare for their collections.

So in honor of tonight's episode, here are some of my very favorite outfits from this season so far. I would love if you posted your favorites too!
  1. I just adore the 'punk'-itude of this outfit. And I can't tell the skirt is made of a jacket!
  2. Chloe made this out of a mini-dress & coat. And that's all! Those are some skillz yo.
  3. If I were to buy anything, it would be this one. I just love the print + ruching/pleating.
  4. She's a little bit Copacabana, and a little bit Telemundo. Nick is so quotable.
  5. You know I love broken and discarded things, like gutter water. But I also love iridescent taffeta.
  6. I love the mesh, I love the shiny plants (like Heidi does), and the model looks like a jungle princess or something.

(blogger hates me. why is it so impossible to manipulate photo layout? argh)


zuppe said...

I'll just reply to myself because I'm pathetic.

The final dresses were all greatly disappointing to me. Hell, the whole task idea was a disappointment -- I think everyone was afraid to be more daring because they had the pressure of making something that would hint at their Fashion Week collection.

Santino became even more of an ass, so I don't really like him anymore. He truly is the Squidward of this show. I would have liked his dress without all the paillette panels on the skirt -- I loved them at the neckline though.

I love the color and fit of Daniel's dress, but still - YAWN.

I really liked the dress Kara wore herself. It really was way more interesting than anything else onstage. I don't really think she should have gone to Fashion Week, but still I was sad to see her go.

Nick and Andrae would have rocked this challenge, I think.

I absolutely cannot wait for the reunion episode. I want Diana Eng to give Santino the smackdown. Too bad I can't actually picture that happening. But you know I have to love the idea of the consummate nerdy girl just kicking egotistical-blowhard's arse.

starbright oogi said...

I totally second your sentiments. I liked Daniel's dress but it was dull. He is super at fitting his model's body. I didn't get Chloe's dress and Kara's was rather unfortunate. I did kind of like Santino's because it was over the top gaudy, but he was being an ass. Still I thought Daniel and Kara were more jerky for dissing Chloe. Kara had issues-- she was like Marla in that she was totally in over her head. I don't have high hopes for Diana's asswhooping of Santino, but I'll keep a little flame of hope going for you.

aging cowgirl said...

I couldn't believe that daniel v and kara said that chloe should leave! she is clearly more technically saavy than kara and more consistent, what happened? i wonder if it was strategery on daniel's part-- if chloe was out and he could easily knock out Kara then he would have a better shot at the top prize (which he will get no doubt).
the dresses were really boring. i don't understand--- haute couture is all about the unexpectedly elegant, right? or maybe the wildly inappropriate? It is sad to see that after all the little moments of genius, all we got were off-the-rack prom dresses.

jblogs said...

i unfortunately missed this week's show (sad face) volleyball ran late. :( but i am eager to join in on the discussion after i catch up on reruns this weekend! :) woohoo! i'm moving this weekend and will finally have bravo!!!!

lilbunny and espressoboy said...

ladies... you are all giving michael (king of jet-set american fashion :p) and nina a run for their money! you know garage bands? well, you three should get together and do garage-reality-tv... do try-outs for some 16 contestants. each task, they get like, 20 bucks (and anything they can find in the garage -- our own version of the b.r. accessory wall), and let's see how they can dazzel us... the drive-way is our runway and you three will be our judges, sitting in lounge chairs. oooo -- i can't wait!

zuppe said...

lilbunny, I like that idea very much! especially the me judging part, mwahahaha.

J, you are moving? to a deeeeeluxe apartment in the sky, perhaps? enjoy the shows - I think they may do a marathon sometime soon!

jblogs said...

Yes zuppe. I am moving. Just one block away in the same LA Chinatown neighborhood. I'll take fotos soon. ack. and post them.

I will also have free dsl once i move in so frillseeking will be that much easier. ;)

a solicitation for decorating ideas to come.