Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I am just saying....

I heard round-trip flights from NYC to Bermuda are $49.

I'm just saying.


aging cowgirl said...

it is spring break time--- since we never did the girls gone wild at cancun thing, maybe now is the time . . .

starbright oogi said...

i wish. i really wish. we deserve a girly collective vaca.

zuppe said...

maybe we can plan something? cape cod was fun, though we missed the reenster :) if you guys were to take a vacation, when could it be?

starbright oogi said...

summer between may and mid-july i hope to be quite free or at least freely scheduled.

jblogs said...

ack! no bermuda from nyc for this los skandelous lady. i AM planning a trip to taiwan and hong kong with my parents for late april though! my vacation would have kicked in after a year on the job and my daddy's gotten a little older (78 anyone?) so i figured it was about time to spend some quality home country time with the 'rents. i'm looking forward to it.

nothing sexy though...not as sexy as bermuda with college buddies. :(

zuppe said...

J, you know nothing is as sexy to me as cute stationery products from Asia. and I'm sure the food is way better in Taiwan than Bermuda :P

jblogs said...

lol zuppe!