Friday, February 24, 2006

project runway recapturing & god bless project jay

can i say how thoroughly entertained i was by project jay this past wednesday? i'm a bit concerned because it appears to be a one time show? (please advise)

the project runway reunion special was alright. the reality show reunions tend to be lackluster for me (except that recent reunion of "the bachelor ladies" that got their arses kicked to the curb...the mr. bachelor is SO smokin' hot. makes me willing to date a white boy. i'm glad the ladies took the high road for the most part. don't hate on mawana beeyaches! sometimes aloof but emotional dark-haired ladies are still real people inside! :( *sniff* the other chick's too squeaky clean). I think the only highlight was being able to watch santino's tim gunn impersonations again..."where's andrae...." and "make it work-make it work-make it work..."

project jay instead was the greater highlight of the evening for me. i could watch his shenanigans all night! he's so clever and just smart and funny but in a super genious cutting way. my laugh out loud moment was definitely showing his little niece saying that the weirdest look jay ever put her in was when she dressed up as anna nicole - cut to photo. just look at her! this girl is totally channeling her spirit.

anyway. enough of this "flair in yo face." i got so much flair i don't know where to put it.


aging cowgirl said...

The most confusing moments of the reunion show for me:
1) Why did Daniel Franco say "I love you" to Heidi?! And the look she gave him? I guess that was an appropriate look indicating some affection for him but also thinking that it was a little bit pathetic.
2) Was Guadalupe on crack? She was incoherent from the beginning--- throwing her hands up and shouting at odd times and then becoming really loopy in response to the question about marla's plagiarized dress. What was she trying to do? Show that she was too conceptual for the likes of PR and they didn't see her genius? Maybe she was trying to be noticed for her weirdness so that she wouldn't get lost in the early exit crowd?

zuppe said...

I still have yet to see the last 15 minutes, but I LOVED Project Jay. I swear, his whole "Physically I hate myself..." monologue was straight out of my head. And his fashion drawings! So so so cute. It made me want to take fashion illustration classes again.

I think it was indeed a one-time special... I had hoped it would be a series, but alas non.

Santino did get the smackdown I desired. He had to defend himself and face all the shit-talking he did. I think I saw a couple of tears, right?

Guadalupe was high. No question. Well, only the question of WHAT IN THE F-ING (or "effin" as Jay's niece would think) HELL THAT CRAZY LADY WAS SMOKING?!

and WTF happened to that dude John Wade? He shrank! Now what in the effin hell was he smoking? I don't want to be biatchy and jealous-sounding about people's weight loss, but honestly he was cuter when he was heavier. Somewhere along the line he lost some of his stylish element.

Daniel Franco toes the line between sweet and scary. We just learned he has a girlfriend and he is totally making stalkder-eyes at Heidi. Weeeeeee-ird.

What happened to Ahhhhndrae? He truly is the little lamb of PR. I love when he was so excited about the musical montage.

starbright oogi said...

the resemblance to anna nicole is uncanny

daniel franco definately crossed over into scary now.

john wade turned from being very cute to being rather pretty boy

zuppe said...

I had to shrink the Jay picture. Sorry, I'm a freak about layout. A freak in the morning, and a freak all night.

aging cowgirl said...

it looks like santino is going to win, no?

jblogs said... YOU did it adminlady! i wondered what happened! i didn't quite have the energy to worry about the size...sowwy. :(

but don't you agree that having jay on our page brightens it up a bit?

zuppe said...

I love the Jay! And I'm the one who should be apologizing for my layout rigor. Like I said, I'm am a freak.