Wednesday, February 01, 2006

we all *heart* pictures.... share some!

If you'd like to use some photos in your posts, please feel free to use our photo hosting site (link below). If you ever need some tech advice, I may be able to give you some. J might know more since she's been doing this for awhile.

eta: dangit, I need some tech advice. I can't get rid of all the blogger original template "dot" graphics. *sigh*

user: frillseekers
pswd: frills


lilbunny and espressoboy said...

I am in need of technical assistance. I've just made our blog ugly. And that makes me so sad. A thousand and one apologies all.... truly sorry....


zuppe said...

never despair! all is easily fixed in blogland. if only real life were so simple. reeeeeal simple, that is.