Thursday, February 02, 2006

We love the dutch. And their ovens.

Bean & Pasta Soup by lilbunny .... memento style :) link to full-size photos and directions below. Mangia!!
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zuppe said...

lilbunny, this looks deeeeeeelicious! I love that you decided to take photos while you cooked it :) dhakshike and I tried to do that occasionally, in the style of her favorite food blogs, but we were usually too hurried and hungry!

also, I am amazed at the versatility of the dutch oven. it's like one of those columbia jackets with five layers and three vests all-in-one.

aging cowgirl said...

the soup looks so good! I really like the fact that you start with bacon-- apologies to the vegetarians among us, but bacon has unnecessarily gotten a bad rap. Yes, perhaps in the interest of heart health we should not be eating multiple strips of the stuff, but I think we need to take away the stigma--

lilbunny and espressoboy said...

although i do concur that the bacon is quite key to this soup -- the recipe indicated that without the bacon, and replacing the chicken stock with veggie stock, you've got yourself a darn fine veggie alternative.