Friday, March 31, 2006

happy birthday, ponyboy!


aging cowgirl said...

he looks a little creepy in the picture or maybe i should say "intense"? this is part of his appeal, right?

I also have not seen X-men and stand by that decision. Some of us have trouble following complicated action plot lines, especially those based on comic books.

lilbunny and espressoboy said...

X-men is really a story of embracing diversity, which I believe everyone on this blog can apprecitate. It is about those who fear and hate people who are "different" and those who are "different," in this case, mutants. There are those mutants who lash out at the hate, become haters in return. these mutatns want a little tit for tat. There are those mutants who see that violence begets violence is not the answer and they seek more peaceful means of reconcilliation. They beleive in a world where we can all get along.

The X-Men movies follow then a basic plotline.

1. Those who fear mutants try to get rid of mutants (killing, silencing, and /or containment are favored means).

2. Those mutants who want some tit for tat retailliate with their own killing, silencing and/or containment.

3. The X-Men try to find a way where everyone can get along. They try not to kill. They try not to hate. They believe in L-O-V-E, love, particularly when Famke is involved.

Last, but not least, if you are still uncertain about what is going on, the scruffy version of Huge Ackman (I mean, Hugh Jackman), is awesome and whatever he is doing, must be right.

lilbunny and espressoboy said...

oh -- and happy birthday too, pnyboy! :)

starbright oogi said...


ponyboy said...

thanks for b-day wishes. and sting does not look creepy!! ;) although yes, i think a bit of creepiness is part of his appeal. i mean, check out the lyrics to 'every breath you take' right?!

jblogs said...

hey....who's ponyboy? (i apologize for my alias ignorance)