Sunday, April 23, 2006

Speaking of Orlando Bloom

and he reads!

I think we need a nice juicy issue to stir up controversy on frillseekers. Anyone? Anyone?


zuppe said...

controversy: orlando is looking majorly creepy in that pic. but good on him for using his celebrity for a worthy cause.

starbright oogi said...

OK controversy... how do we feel about Tom Cruise as he get progressively creepier? (eating placenta and what not)..... Are we going to see MI:3?

zuppe said...

You know, MI:3 is totally the kind of movie someone like me would opt to see in the theatre. I saw MI: 2 oh so many years ago in the theatre too. It's not because of Tom Cruise - I never cared much for him. It is, in fact, for the actioniness and the theme music and scenes like Tom dangling from a wire, a mountain, what-have-you.

But I don't think I could watch it w/ the suspension of disbelief this time. Which is sad, because I do like JJ Abrams (thanks in part to lilbunny's endorsement) and Philip Seymour Hoffman(n?). I'd be thinking of jumping on couches and aliens and vitamins and the like.

aging cowgirl said...

I don't think orlando looks creepy in the picture, but I had that comment coming after what I said about ponyboy's pinup. Orlando just looks intense, like it has taken him a long time to get through that generic book he has in his hands.
I think I, too, will skip on MI:3 because of tom's insanity. Now I understand what "celebrity overexposure" means.

ponyboy said...

i think he looks a bit mad...perhaps a "dude, i was reading before you interrupted me to take a photo" look. we watched "paradise now" in class today and i felt bad because i was thoroughly distracted by how beautiful one of the lead was. I can't find a photo of him, but the name's Kais Naishef.