Thursday, March 02, 2006

In our weekly tradition, thought on project runway? (or have people not seen it yet)


jblogs said...

oooh! i was soooo psyched to see this last week's show. i'm kinda happy that daniel got a reality check cuz i think he got too big for his own britches...from winning all those challenges and such.

the part where tim was getting all personal and touchy feely with santino in la was comedy. they HAD to show that closing shot of them during the sunset at venice beach with a black on golden silhouette and the seagulls taking off into the distance.

really guys. was that necessary?

anyway, i was thoroughly impressed with the dress the showed of santino's. if the rest of his stuff is anything like that i think he'll win hands down.

but i'm still pullin' for my vietnamese sister. she's been down but she's not out.

give me project jay!!!!!!!!!

zuppe said...

Vive Le Project Jay!

I agree with J about Daniel. Perhaps he has been coasting a bit, despite those last two challenges where he may have won, but only because he didn't suck as badly as others. I must say though, he has a white cashmere coat in his line which looks super cute. I didn't care for that brown dress he was fitting on Rebecca. It looked it had columns of buttons as if it were double breasted - for real, who is flattered by that?

Ah, Santino. J, you slay me! "Black on gold silhouette"! I liked that we got to see a fun side of Santino when he was hanging out with his friends and their cute little kiddies. Television Without Pity's recapper for PR says that Santino's friend/savior "Tony" is actually Tony Ward, who has been a video ho for Madonna back in the day.
The dress and top that Santino showed Tim were very very pretty! I love that fortuny (terminology check?) pleat thing, and the colors were earthy but rich.

Chloe Dao! how adorable is she with her SEVEN sisters? I love that one of them had platinum hair. I can imagine why she wanted to move back to TX - her whole family is there, and they seem important to her.
I am afraid for Chloe and her "it's coming about organically" attitude. *adopts TimGunnConcernedFace* I have to say I didn't really get that poufy pink satin number, but I saw a photo of the full outfit in the NYT, and it was luxe and fabulous on the model.

and can I just say - YAAAAAAAAY, more Ahhhhhndrae!

starbright oogi said...

you all said what needs to be said. but i'll say more:

i agree that santino is more likable these days.

egad, why did chloe choose diana? i have no idea. she and her mum and her sisters are very cute.

tim gunn and daniel-- perhaps a ruse to think he may not win? maybe the rest of his collection is fly?

i think karasaun should just come back and win the whole damn thing.