Tuesday, February 21, 2006

my least favorite word ever ....

...has got to be "mandatory". Nothing good ever, EVER comes after that word.


But yes, nothing remotely pleasant ever comes with the word "mandatory" in it. Mandatory overtime (cf. TELFTSNBN). Mandatory sleep-away camp (complete with mandatory hiking after they gave you the illusion of choosing your own activities). Mandatory Fun Time (where was that from? College orientation week?)

...Also, I can relax a tiny bit about paying off loans, and can look forward to satisfying some shopping cravings, namely:

Some kind of Creative Zen Micro MP3 Player

Lots of DVDs ... oh hell yes.

A whole lotta expensive make-up

So with that, I ask you: do you have a recipe for a fabulous soy protein powder/fruit shake? I am interested in trying those chocolate flavored powdered soy shake thingies and hoping they do not taste like sweetened sawdust.


jblogs said...

Nice. Creative Zen? Is that better than an Ipod? I'm on the market for a music player. ;)

zuppe said...

I should say firts that I am anti-iPod. Actually I am largely anti-Apple/MAC because their over-the-top cuteness and hipster-ish-ness bother me.

So I am looking into the Creative MP3 players because I have heard good things about them via word-of-mouth (still have yet to check out the CNet ratings and such).

starbright oogi said...

um, how about a mandatory post project runway rundown on frillseekers. i agree with you that mandatory is an awful word. should we even bother trying to recapture it?

zuppe said...

"recapture" -- you are so eeeeeentellectual, I love it. Project Runway rundown? Now that's a mandatory thing I can get behind :)

starbright oogi said...

btw, in terms of soy shakes, i think we have some trader joe mix which is alright (i just add it to milk as i am lazy). i used to drink the kashi shake (high fiber and high protein) but it isn't tasty.

jblogs said...

johnny depp is so hot! but you can't beat dustin nguyen...first ever asian-am pop teen hearthrob with legit cred.

zuppe said...

Ah, yes. H.T. Ioki. His taken name was Japanese because he was a refugee from Vietnam.

21 Jump Street was way ahead of its time in "diverse" casting. They also tried really hard to address lots of social/political issues. Albeit in a FOXy dramatical way. With cute boys.

In other words.... perfection.

jblogs said...
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jblogs said...

*sigh* he's so dreamy.

zuppe said...

Dayum, J. That portrait is HOT.

jblogs said...

i know! i know!

i actually saw him from afar, in the flesh at this LA media/arts nonprofit event that i'm tight with...(you know me...i'm so-o "community" hollywood).

as a part of the event, two asian-am women who are part of this asian-am improv group called "cold tofu" serenaded dustin with their adapted rendition of "dust in the wind" ... ergh but rather, they changed the lyrics to say "dustin nguyen" and all the ways that they were geeked out by this former tigerbeat heartthrob. ;)

and if you don't know that song...you really had to be there...


zuppe said...

That rules! Where have all the dreamy Asian American heartthrobs gone? Russell Wong, where art thou? Cute boy from the otherwise forgettable movie Torque, where you at?!

OK, you know next time you come to the east coast (or vice versa for me) we need to have a 21 Jump Street viewing, at least of an HT Ioki-centered episode.